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  1. Hi Owais, Its a pleasure to be on your channel and learn Google Ad marketing the mother of all as you say and which is true as well. I have a question, lets suppose there is a campaign im setting up for Search, and I'm a very small start up with ecommerce business selling online hip hop Jewelery in new york, I want to ru nmy campaign from May 7th to May 31 which is around 24-25 days, so what should be my total budget of this campaign and what should be my daily budget, my end goal is to have my website appear in Search and drive traffic to my website? I highly appreciate if you can reply me on this or share your email where I can reach you for further details and collaborations. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the video. If i want to create a campaign but in 2 languages so should I duplicate the same ad but one with a language and the other in the other language? Or its better to do 2 campaigns

  3. Hello Sir!
    I want to enter in paid media role but have no real-time projects to showcase my skills, I have gained theoretical knowledge and done certification in it but have not been able to get interview calls. So do you recommend me how can i create dummy projects or any thing else to showcase my skills to recruiters .

  4. Canadian based dentist term is inaccurate since the adjective 'Canadian' already refers to sb. based in/out of Canada. The accurate term would be Canada based….

  5. thanks so much for your work. You are the person who guided me into Google Ads when I was overwhelmed with all the digital marketing and was lost. Thanks for taking time to share your knowledge and your honesty. I really enjoy your videos <3

  6. Can we create multiple search campaigns in Google ads?
    Ex: Kitchen Remodeling – campaign 1 – having its own ad groups& keywords
    Bathroom Remodeling – campaign 2 – having its own ad groups & keywords
    Should we have to put all these in one campaign & create ad groups for each one

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