Kyiv's View of U.S. Elections

Kuleba in China, Kyiv bracing for President Trump, UK Army Chief Warns it must double lethality or be prepared for war by 2027 …

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Kyiv's View of U.S. Elections

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  1. It seems to bother you that you mispronounce some Ukrainian names. Is there a Ukrainian student at your university who can tutor you in looking at Ukrainian names and figuring out by the spelling how to pronounce them?

  2. Have you heard that Ukraine goes to China for a peace deal?! Saw it just now on the Enforcer..

    I've asked the same question to Paul combat vet and Jake Broe, I hope one of you can disconfirm this

  3. I hate doing this. I highly respect your views and opinions.
    You call yourself a Ragan Republican but that was 4 decades ago. You sound out of touch with today. The country needs a fiscal conservative party relevant to today, the here and now.
    It comes across as applying for a job interview with a 4 decade old resume. Would you hire you?

  4. You nailed it! Trump is not working for any other country than America. He's very serious about fixing the economy which is already at emergency stage.
    He is not controlled by Russia in the slightest. That's just hysteria used to sway votes. …And its been done before.. Americans are suckers for this angle.

    And yes. He's very unpredictable.

    I'm not American. Whoever was running your country for the last 3.5 years has done absolutely huge damage. I really hope the best for America and its people.

    The current administration has got the world very close to WW3. Not only in one area, Europe but also in the middle east and asia is heating up day by day.
    It's obvious KH is not an intellectual, let alone a sober, cultured, professional diplotmat and strategist. Whoever eas behind Biden will be behind KH. Pulling her strings.

  5. I can't understand why anyone would think Trump would 'change' about Ukriane, in order to avoid American defeat. A Trump reelection would end America as we know it.

    And of course, should he lose, we still have the Trump Show to struggle through, and it will take a decade after he's buried to hear the last of it. Best case scenario.

  6. Prof. if Britain would offer a cuppa machine and a reflection room, I think they would have no problem getting people interested in the “citizen army”.

  7. I would like to know how giving Ukraine arms to defend themselves is widening the war. I don't remember Ukraine invading Russia. LOL. Trump already knows that Putin is a bad person but he does respect him for being the way that he is and still has the backing of his people. I don't remember hearing anything out of Trump saying that he wants to allow Russia to keep the Ukrainian territories they occupy or that he wants to pull out of NATO. Maybe I am wrong but everything that I have heard is coming from someone who knows him or has worked with him. I hope that I am right and he will keep helping Ukraine and help them destroy the Putin terrorist regime. Slava Ukraini

  8. Sometimes you are incredibly naive for someone studying politics. Cadet Bone Spurs is not a decent man like you are. He can meet Zelensky in Kyiv, he han see Bucha, Kherson and the frontlines, and he still will not care. Narcissists do not.

  9. I agree with your assesment of Trump problem is when will he realize and feels slighted enough to turn around. And is he still president then? He is also an old man and Vance is a differnt story. He is a bought and paid politician.

  10. Consider Trump – whose first actions when elected was to tear up the NAFTA agreement with the US's two neighbours.

    He then applied tariffs to ALL importing nations – including those who were CLOSE allies of the US!

    Trump is going to look at Ukraine, ask whet the US got for the billions of dollars already spent – and decide to not spend an additional cent.

    And even if/when he realises that Putin has played him like a fool – it STILL doesn't mean that he will then support Ukraine, the best that Ukraine can hope for is that he drops the ridiculous "peace" deal that he has offered….

    Face it – there is NO WAY that a Trump presidency is anything but bad for Ukraine!

  11. and here you are celebrating trump's post shooting posturing. he's a wild card to folks like you, professor. he's tended to side with urban, Putin, and the other dictators. trump won't stand with ukraine. accept that or admit you are sub rosa trumpie. step up to the challenge or stfu. why can you not admit there are risks involved in upping the ante in attacking Russia? "I'm not willing to gamble!" but I'm willing to gamble that four years of trump will benefit ukraine. do you even listen to your videos?

  12. The Republicans really are panicking about Kamala Hartis😂

    Two days after Vice President Kamala Harris declared her candidacy for president, a freshman Republican lawmaker introduced articles of impeachment against her for violating her oath of office. How pathetic are they. I think your Party has gone nuts!

  13. Trump is not a "wild-card". He showed in negotiations with the Taliban that he is willing to give Terrorists what they want as long as it suits him and somebody else pays for it i.e. the Afghan people, the next administration, USAs standing and trustworthiness in the world.

    He is predictable in his patterns and he is a proven coward. Please don't call him a wild-card ..

  14. My words, the thing Trump hattest most, is losing. If this seeps into him, this might sway him. He needs to understand that if he cuts aid, Ukraine WILL lose, and this WILL fall back on him. He will then be THE president who has lost against Russia and who handed Ukraine to Putin, and maybe more. That would tarnish his reputation more than anything else. This is the framing that Reaganian Republicans need to convey. Start typing, Prof, work on your representative, work on your Senators. Let this sink in.

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