Stop Using Google Ads Phrase Match Targeting

This is why you need to STOP using Phrase Match targeting in Google Ads RIGHT NOW! I hate to say it as phrase match used to …

**Dominando o Tráfego Pago: Guia Completo para Iniciantes**

Nos dias de hoje, o tráfego pago se estabeleceu como uma das ferramentas mais poderosas para impulsionar o crescimento online. Seja você um empreendedor digital, uma pequena empresa ou até mesmo uma grande corporação, compreender e utilizar eficientemente o tráfego pago pode ser a chave para o sucesso nos negócios online. Neste artigo, vamos explorar o mundo do tráfego pago: como começar, as plataformas disponíveis, estratégias eficazes, boas práticas e muito mais.


tráfego pago curso


Gestor 6D Silvio Roberto

tráfego pago curso silvio roberto



**Como Iniciar no Tráfego Pago**

Antes de mergulhar de cabeça no tráfego pago, é crucial entender seus objetivos e público-alvo. Você quer aumentar as vendas de um produto específico? Aumentar o reconhecimento da marca? Gerar leads? Entender esses objetivos ajudará a moldar sua estratégia de tráfego pago.

A seguir, estão os passos essenciais para iniciar no tráfego pago:

1. **Defina seus objetivos**

: Determine o que você deseja alcançar com o tráfego pago. Isso ajudará a direcionar suas campanhas e mensuração de resultados.

2. **Conheça o seu público**

: Entenda quem é o seu público-alvo, seus interesses, necessidades e comportamentos online. Isso permitirá que você crie anúncios mais relevantes e direcionados.

3. **Escolha as plataformas de anúncios**

: Existem várias plataformas de anúncios disponíveis, cada uma com seus próprios recursos e público-alvo. As principais incluem:

– **Google Ads**: Ideal para anúncios de pesquisa, display, vídeo e shopping.
– **Facebook Ads**: Ótimo para alcançar públicos segmentados com base em interesses, demografia e comportamento.
– **Instagram Ads**: Integrado ao Facebook Ads, é eficaz para anúncios visuais e interativos.
– **LinkedIn Ads**: Voltado para B2B, é excelente para alcançar profissionais e empresas.
– **Twitter Ads**: Útil para promover tendências, tweets promovidos e campanhas específicas.
– **Microsoft Advertising**: Alternativa ao Google Ads, atinge usuários do Bing e da rede de parceiros da Microsoft.

4. **Crie suas campanhas**:

Desenvolva anúncios relevantes e atraentes, utilizando imagens, texto e segmentação adequados ao seu público-alvo e objetivos.

5. **Monitore e otimize**

: Acompanhe o desempenho de suas campanhas regularmente e faça ajustes conforme necessário para maximizar o retorno sobre o investimento (ROI).

**Estratégias de Tráfego Pago**

Existem várias estratégias que você pode implementar para maximizar o sucesso de suas campanhas de tráfego pago. Algumas das mais eficazes incluem:

1. **Remarketing**:

Segmentar usuários que já interagiram com seu site ou produto, aumentando as chances de conversão.

2. **Segmentação por interesse**

: Direcionar anúncios com base nos interesses e comportamentos do seu público-alvo para aumentar a relevância.

3. **Anúncios de vídeo**:

Utilizar anúncios em vídeo para contar histórias envolventes e aumentar o engajamento do público.

4. **Campanhas sazonais**

: Aproveitar eventos sazonais ou datas comemorativas para lançar campanhas temáticas e atrair a atenção do público.

5. **Testes A/B**:

Experimentar diferentes variações de anúncios, como títulos, imagens e chamadas para ação, para identificar o que funciona melhor.


tráfego pago curso


Gestor 6D Silvio Roberto

tráfego pago curso silvio roberto



**Boas Práticas de Tráfego Pago**

Para garantir o sucesso de suas campanhas de tráfego pago, é importante seguir algumas boas práticas:

1. **Segmentação precisa**

: Segmentar seu público-alvo com precisão para garantir que seus anúncios sejam exibidos para as pessoas certas.

2. **Design atraente**:

Criar anúncios visualmente atraentes e profissionais que se destaquem no feed do usuário.

3. **Mensuração de resultados**:

Utilizar ferramentas de análise para monitorar o desempenho de suas campanhas e ajustar sua estratégia conforme necessário.

4. **Teste contínuo**:

Realizar testes A/B regularmente para otimizar o desempenho de seus anúncios e maximizar o ROI.

5. **Orçamento adequado**:

Definir um orçamento realista e distribuí-lo de forma eficiente entre as diferentes plataformas e campanhas.


O tráfego pago é uma ferramenta poderosa para impulsionar o crescimento e o sucesso dos negócios online. Ao entender como iniciar, escolher as plataformas certas, implementar estratégias eficazes e seguir boas práticas, você pode aproveitar ao máximo o potencial do tráfego pago para alcançar seus objetivos de marketing e negócios. Experimente diferentes abordagens, analise os resultados e ajuste sua estratégia conforme necessário para alcançar o sucesso contínuo no mundo do marketing digital.


tráfego pago curso


Gestor 6D Silvio Roberto

tráfego pago curso silvio roberto



Stop Using Google Ads Phrase Match Targeting
tráfego pago
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  1. At 5:11, you said "broad match has limitations that phrase match doesn't have, giving it an advantage" ? – same thing at 5:55, where you said: "broad match is actually more limited than phrase match, because it brings in those extra data points" Can we agree that is just an (unfortunate) slip-up since phrase match actually has limitations, as described at 4:11?

  2. I've heard that broad match should not be used in Maximize Clicks bid strategy campaigns because it's not a smart bidding strategy, and broad match works best with smart bidding. But, can i still add 1 or 2 broad match keywords into my Max Clicks campaigns and still be ok if the rest of my keywords are exact match like you're talking about? Does broad match and all it's signals still work for strictly automated (automated, but not smart bidding) strategies? It's just that no one is talking about how all this works with different bidding strategies, or does it even matter?

  3. For ecommerce products, I use a lot of broad keywords and I find it the best. Campaign on ROAs with many ad groups (products) and every ad group contains a lot of broad keywords.

  4. I still need to get on the broad match train, I am not there yet. There is too much wasted spending and low-quality spam leads. I recently switched an account that we took over from broad match keywords to phrase, and it started performing way better with higher-quality leads. Like anything, I think this is a per-account choice on what works for them or not.

  5. Been spooked off Broad Match except on mature campaigns with great conversion numbers and budget's large enough to test.

    Will be giving your structure here a try, some really good points made. Very aware it makes sense to keep up to speed with Google rather than long for the old skool days!

  6. Hello Aaron and everyone. I'm looking all over for this… how can I see what are the keywords that are triggering my Google Video ad! I see that its doable within a google Search campaign but cannot find the info for video ads. how can I do this pls. thanks

  7. We mostly just use Phrase Match. Works fine. If we go exact match we often clone the campaign and change all keywords to exact match and add exact match negatives. It's old school but still works in the right situation. We create thousands of phrase match keywords in one-keyword-per-adgroup. Each ad matches the keyword, and we pass parameters to the page so the page matches too. Using broad match would screw that all up.

  8. Aaron- If you use an exact match keyword, and you use a broad match that has the same terms, how do keep from those keywords competing against themselves for the number 1 position?

  9. Hi, great video. I've been managing accounts since 2010. The match type changes are so painful. I stopped using phrase match a few months ago for the reasons you explain. I went to exact match only and CPCs SKYROCKETED. So now I'm working to crack the broad match space. Can you please tell me which bid strategy you're using for your BM+EM combo campaigns?

  10. just checked the accounts that I'm running currently

    I don't see this problem across my accounts
    phrase match keywords don't have any impressions on broad match type search terms

  11. Here’s a string of video ideas. How I would make a Google Ad as a tattoo artist, car detailer, painter, realtor, fitness trainer, clothing brand, ebook store, furniture store and so on including shopping ads. The retention rate would be 100% and replayed like 8x for years by businesses lol. If you made a car detailing ad tutorial I’d watch it 10x. I know plenty of businesses would love that and make more $ with that tutorial. Just a suggestion because I know people run to make ads and still need help.

  12. when you only use broad and exact match you don't need that much keywords right? It doesnt make sense to have several broad matches in one adgroup because one broad match covers all the possible searchterms right?

  13. My last few months sales have got really bad compared to previous months and reckon this could be the reason so have removed Phrase match from all my Search campaigns and using a few broad terms to bring in the Exact match keywords and keeping the ones I had that were working. Something at Google changed back in March and hoping this is the fix.

  14. Broad match is so random. This campaign targeting "small business coach" using only 10 broad match keywords delivered 68 search terms like this.

    aimee cohen

    anna brambilla

    bonnie marcus

    bonnie tuttle


    brenda terry

    cindy bloomquist

    danielle sunberg

    derek mulhern

    Loads of impressions like that.

  15. thx, great explanation especial for those of us using Google ads for years and not wanting to move to broadmatch. I have a question, from what you have said in the video in regard to have only a couple of 4-5 worded broadmatch phrases with exact match, is then wise to make more specific adgroups eg car smash repairs make a adgroup for car smash repairs pricing, another car smash repairs sydney and going to specific landing pages rather than one ad group for car smash repairs and having all broadmatch phrases in that one group. also if you have a number of separate adgroups that are close words is this redundant now?

  16. Thank you for the sound advice. This is your default strategy since 2021- are you no longer using broad match modifiers (now used as phrase matching).

  17. Great video,Aaron! Can we use google Ads for print on demand stores? I have read mixed reviews like google doesn’t support print on demand business as POD stores don’t store stock but google is ok if we offer variants so would appreciate your thoughts on this.I have print on demand store on Shopify wherein I sell giftable jewelry in a box with a meaningful card and each product has at least 2 variants.

  18. This was an insightful video, thanks! Im curious about a structure within an ad group using RSA (responsive search ads) would it be decent practise to have a mix of broad match and exact match, then to gradually add more exact match do that ad group (based on what the broad matches catch)? I heard exact match will take priority over the broad match, is that correct and does that set up sound sensible to you?

  19. Uhg, I just had a ton of keyword recommendations to add. It wanted to add them as broad, I change them all to phrase before adding. Looks like I need to go back to that account. 🙂

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