can I learn to LOVE THE KINDLE?!?! – episode one

Okay guys, I’m giving it another a try, I WANT to enjoy reading ebooks and I’m on a three month long journey to give it my best, …

Vantagens Assinatura Kindle

Com uma assinatura Kindle da Amazon, os leitores têm acesso ilimitado a uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa fixa mensal. Esta assinatura oferece uma série de vantagens, incluindo:

1 Acesso Ilimitado: Os assinantes podem explorar milhares de títulos em diversos gêneros, incluindo best-sellers, clássicos da literatura e obras de novos autores, sem restrições de quantidade.

Conveniência: Os eBooks e audiolivros podem ser baixados instantaneamente para dispositivos Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, permitindo aos leitores desfrutarem de sua leitura em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, mesmo offline.

2 Economia: Em comparação com a compra individual de cada título, a assinatura Kindle oferece uma opção mais econômica para os leitores ávidos, permitindo-lhes desfrutar de uma ampla gama de conteúdos por uma taxa mensal fixa.

3 Variedade: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited oferece uma variedade incomparável de títulos, garantindo que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses, desde romances e suspense até não-ficção e literatura infantil.

4 Atualizações e Novidades: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited é constantemente atualizada com novos lançamentos e adições, garantindo que os assinantes sempre tenham acesso aos títulos mais recentes e populares.


Desvendando o Kindle Unlimited: Uma Análise Completa da Assinatura Literária da Amazon

Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia tem revolucionado muitos aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a maneira como consumimos literatura. Com a ascensão dos dispositivos digitais, como o Kindle da Amazon, a experiência de leitura nunca foi tão conveniente e acessível. E dentro deste ecossistema literário, destaca-se o Kindle Unlimited, uma assinatura que oferece acesso a milhares de eBooks por uma taxa fixa mensal. Neste artigo, exploraremos em detalhes o que é o Kindle Unlimited, como funciona, seu preço, e se vale a pena investir nessa plataforma.

O que é o Kindle Unlimited?

O Kindle Unlimited é um serviço de assinatura oferecido pela Amazon que permite aos usuários acessarem uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa mensal fixa. Compatível com diversos dispositivos, incluindo o Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, o serviço proporciona aos amantes da leitura uma maneira conveniente de explorar uma ampla gama de títulos sem a necessidade de adquiri-los individualmente.

Como Funciona o Kindle Unlimited?

O funcionamento do Kindle Unlimited é simples e intuitivo. Após se inscrever na plataforma, os assinantes têm acesso instantâneo a milhares de títulos disponíveis no catálogo do serviço. Eles podem navegar, selecionar e baixar quantos livros desejarem, com a capacidade de manter até 10 títulos em seu dispositivo ao mesmo tempo. Quando desejarem, os usuários podem devolver os eBooks e audiolivros baixados para liberar espaço e adicionar novos itens à sua biblioteca virtual.

Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

Vale a Pena Investir no Kindle Unlimited?

A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

can I learn to LOVE THE KINDLE?!?! – episode one

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  1. I have a Kindle Paperwhite because I can no longer read physical books due to my eye sight. I purchased it on Black Friday 2022. I love my Kindle. I also have Kindle Unlimited. I read 116 books in 2023. Most of them were KU. I certainly “got my money’s worth” I have used Libby for a few books I couldn’t get on KU. I don’t buy books for several reasons.
    Buy the Kindle. You won’t get a good sense of how it works for you until you personalize it for you. 🥰🥰🥰

  2. I use a Kindle Paperwhite and I really like it since there’s no eye strain (something I really have to be careful of considering how much time I spend on computers and because I get headaches SOOO easily) and it has really helped me actually read the ebooks I have rather then ignore them because I couldn’t read them for long like I did when I only had my phone to use.

    I don’t have KU so I can’t comment on that but both my mom and sister do and they like it and that they can check out a lot of books without having to buy them.

    Currently I’m also reading an ebook part of the day and a physical one for the other half, so maybe something like this could be a way you can read both your ebooks and physical ones at the same time—so far this is working great for me!

  3. I love using Libby on my paper white! I read at least 2 to 3 books a month on my kindle plus my physical and audio books. I specifically love being able to read in the dark when I put my little kids to sleep or if they wake in the night. I thought I would be a physical book girl forever… I just tried using my kindle for a month and was hooked!

  4. 12:00 I do not find switching between 2 books all that hard on my Kindle. I keep the sort by last updated in order the last books I opened are on top of my library. It is slightly confusing if I download but then it is the percent done that I look for: Something other than 0, 99 and 100%.

  5. I love my paperwhite! I have read so much more since getting my paperwhite and when I try to go back to a hard copy book, I just can't. You can sign up for Kindle Rewards and get points on books you buy and use that as credit to buy more books. Kindle Unlimited is great. I can get library books on mine but they are very limited so it's pretty useless.

  6. I have enjoyed my kindle. I have never tried KU. I tend to just watch the deal sights and buy a book when it is on sale for a few dollars. I use my Amazon credits for not needing the fastest shipping and then a lot of times the book is free. I haven't looked to see what is on KU to know if it would be worth it. I might look into that when I get my physical TBR down some more. I want to get under 100 this year but ultimately have under 30. Then I would have my kindle as an option. That said I can get books from the library on mine. That is so silly that you can't do that! I hate stuff like that!

  7. I'm apparently one of those weird people who doesn't own a Kindle and just reads from my phone or laptop 😅 I understand wanting the Kindle over the Kobo for indie authors though. That's what almost all of my Kindle ebooks are.

  8. Yeah, that's too bad that you can't get library books on kindle in Canada. I hope that changes at some point for you. I use my kindle mainly for library books and for night time reading so I don't disturb my husband. I don't use kindle unlimited so can't recommend anything from there. But I definitely get a lot of my reading done on kindle so I'm pretty attached to mine. Plus you can put cute stickers on it 😉

  9. I have a really hard time with remembering what I’ve read on devices like literally the next day can’t remember what is happening in the story. I wish I lived it more because it’s sometimes more convenient. I may go back to trying to read on one at night though because I’ve been reading a lot more and really wish I could read in bed without disturbing my husband.

  10. Have you looked at Boox Go Color 7? I've been very happy- you can use Kindle, Hoopla, Libby etc on it, it has color with e-ink technology. The one downside is that you have to customize / play around with the settings a good deal. There's a slight learning curve to it but you are not locked into a particular book buying ecosystem.

  11. I am someone who has learned to absolutely love my Kindle. There are certain types of books that I just crave to read on my Kindle now. But I completely understand your back and forth on it, especially since you wouldn’t be able to use Libby. I would be lost without Libby lol.

  12. I’ve had kindles for almost 16 years. Currently use the paper white and love it. I had the oasis but that battery life was less. The kindle fire was too heavy for me. I would love a scribe but it is so expensive. Maybe Black Friday. I have kindle unlimited and enjoy that but I feel I could use it more. I am in the US so can get library books and it saddens me that you can’t. I save a ton of money using Libby. I do read multiple books at one time. I just switch between them but are usually quite different like a fiction and a nonfiction.

  13. I acquired my first Kindle in March 2011 and have never looked back. I do still occasionally read physical books but generally only if they are not available as ebooks. I also have a kobo for those rare occasions when I borrow from our local library. I also use the Pocket app which allows me to read online articles. Reading on tablets generally gives me headaches so I prefer e-ink devices. One to the things I really appreciate about the Kindle is the ability to highlight. Those highlights can also be retrieved online and downloaded to your computer whereas with a physical book I would need to go through the book page by page. I do read multiple books on both Kobo and Kindle. As another commenter has suggested I have set up a folder labelled "Current reading." I do not use Kindle Unlimited and never have so will not speak to that issue. Most of my reading is nonfiction. My general rule has become that if an ebook I've read makes a very strong impression on me and I want to lend a copy out or have one to refer to if at some point the ebook was no longer available I will purchase a hard copy for my shelves.

  14. It's funny – I've recently been thinking about getting a kindle, because I don't have a way to read ebooks from Hoopla and Libby besides on my phone. I don't like reading them on my phone. I had a kindle about 10 years ago but it wasn't a paper white. I didn't enjoy reading on it much, but I also didn't read very much at the time and didn't have Hoopla or Libby through my library.

  15. I compromised and bought an iPad mini so I could use the Kindle app, Kobo app and Liby app … plus a few other things. It's about the same size as a reader. Sorry meant to add. I have Kindle Unlimited. I like the fact that I have 20 books as an option. What I also like is that if I don't like a book, I can get rid of it without feeling like I spent money on it, plus whatever I read the author gets credit for. Overall I do think it's well worth it. I usually have a book on my kindle and one printed version going together at the same time. That's just how I like to read 🙂

  16. Since you mentioned highlighting things isn't very intuitive on the Kindle, I figured I'd mention there's a setting in the Theme/Font section under "More" to disable the highlight menu when you select a passage of text. With that off, you can just long-press the starting word for a second, drag your finger over to the end word, lift it up and you're done.

  17. I would choose Kobo because of the library books. And you can download and save your e-books from your kindle account to kobo, there are workarounds, just look it up here on youtube. I guess the same way you can also keep the kindle account and buy the very specific books there and then transfer them to your kobo. (I have a 11 year old kindle 4 that might die on me anytime so I've already started my research on which e-reader to buy next.)

  18. I discovered Kindle when my kids were babies and it made reading while nursing so much easier! It actually helped me get back into reading. Also, I discovered that it was possible to get access to books (at that time) WAY cheaper than buying physical copies. That's not necessarily the case anymore, at least not in the same way, but it still can be a good way to access cheaper books (like free classics through Project Gutenberg etc.). I can read Kindle through Libby, and on the Kindle Fire I can access Hoopla (although there's a workaround, it's not built in). I don't love reading on Kindle, but I love that it makes more books accessible to me than would be otherwise. I do have KU, but I don't think it's worth it for me at full price. Once my current deal ends, I'm going to cancel, and then maybe get another deal later on.

  19. I just finished Star Scrapper by J.N Chaney it's scifi that is very funny and had less swearing than Andy Weir (it may have had no swearing I don't pay much attention to that)

    I bought Emily Fox a Kobo but I don't know how much she uses it.

  20. I’ve had kindle and kobo and as a fellow Canadian (from BC) I prefer the kobo because I can link it to the library! Most of the books I read are popular and available through the library anyways though! I also find that my kobo is more responsive than when I had my kindle paperwhite!

  21. I do read more than one book at a time on Kindle. I just make sure they are different genres, so I don’t get confused. I usually have 5 to 6 books going at a time, besides the Bible. Some of them are audio. I generally read or listen to books 8 to 10 hours a day. Also, I listen at regular speed for maximum enjoyment.

  22. I read both physical and ebooks (and audio), I usually have one of each going, kind of for a weird reason … I find it's easier to read on my iPad while I eat lunch at work because it doesn't really require hands. I had KU for several months and just canceled it. I think for me it's a few months at a time thing. I wish they would have a thing like Audible does where you could just put your subscription on hold for x number of months. It is a very nice way to try out new authors. I've been thinking of asking for a Kindle for Christmas. I usually read on my iPad air, but I have an old iPad mini that I've been using at night before going to sleep since it's smaller and easier to hold and I think a Kindle would be even easier to hold and would keep me from getting distracted. 🙂

  23. I had a kindle, but I couldn’t put my whole library on it. It would bog down and be very slow, even turning pages. So, I gave it up. I do have an iPad mini that I use, but it’s not quite as user-friendly. If I read on my kindle app, I use my phone. I know it looks like I’m on my phone, but 🤷🏽‍♀️.

  24. Kindle unlimited and audible subscription is where I get nearly all of the books you read/recommend prior to deciding if I need to put it on my physical shelf as a trophy/addition to the family library.

  25. Hi Chantel

    I have Kindle Unlimited and I love it. I have a Kindle Fire HD 10 Tablet and I love it. I always keep my Subscription to Kindle Unlimited. I just love it.

    I am glad that you are enjoying using Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

    I also have the Libby App through my County Library. I can listen to Audio Books or Read them Physically using the Libby App.

    Take Care & Happy Reading


  26. I recently got myself a Boox Go Color 7. It's a color E ink android device meant to be primarily an ebook reader. They are small and lightweight with page-turn buttons like an oasis. I decided to go with it because I can have the Kindle, Everand, and Audible apps on it. It can also have the Kobo and Libby apps.

    They are more expensive, and the color version has a darker screen than my Kindle paperwhite. They do have a black/white version as well. I find the UI just a bit less smooth than Kindle, but the access to any book app makes it worth it for me.

  27. I absolutely love my paperwhite! I definitely wouldn’t read as much as I do if I didn’t have it. Kindle Unlimited wasn’t worth it for me since Libby does work for me. I’m so sad for you! 😢 Glad you’ve been enjoying your Kindle adventure. ❤

  28. you can put books into "collections" which are folders, so if you had an entire series, the Anne of green gables series, you could put them all in one folder and find them easily. It's a great way to keep track of multiple books you are reading on a kindle.

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