Front Line Intensity: Hot in Every Direction

1260 Russians, Ukraine shot down 28 of 29 aerial targets overnight, Fighting still intense in Vovchansk, New Russian assaults …

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Front Line Intensity: Hot in Every Direction

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  1. Any money spent on new Russian naval offensive craft, are rubles not spent on the battlefront. It will take YEARS for Russia to launch and commission any new vessels. And they cant be made in the shipyards of Crimea.

  2. Hey we got “JUST” a professor back!? I’m not a professor. So should I introduce myself as “a useless prince of crap”?tour summaries are great, but lose the “just” and /or maybe say you are a professor in what ever expertise your a professor in.

  3. Thank you Prof, Zelensky is a model of how all leader’s aught to be, especially in times of war. His place in world history will be an inspiration to all that follow.

  4. Separately, you’ll want to watch this interview. Then the original interview which I think it’s episode 81. I bought her book and oddly enough. She was also an Uber ride but it’s time for the DOHA agreements to be fully disclosed.

    Trump had the power to change course and declare war on The Taliban. He sold out instead. Just like he will sell out Ukraine.

    The Times Radio interview with Gorka was sickening.

  5. Hey Prof, you asked for some insight on UK Reform Party. Here’s an actual quote from one of their campaigners today regarding migrants. …. “Army recruitment – get the young recruits there, with guns, on the f**** beach, target practice. F**** just shoot them."
    I would be very pleased if you would make reference to this when you include anything to do with Nigel Farage in your reporting. Reform UK is racist, dog-whistle, objectionist, vile politics that should have been consigned 80 years ago but has sadly continued to bubble below the surface.

  6. Thanks Professor – There will be movies made about this war. Oddly, the actors will not be exaggerating when they portray Putin as a ruthless bad guy with no conscience and Zelensky as the opposite.

  7. The U.S. policy on weapons use in Ukraine is not popular, but necessary. Ukraine is currently under Martial Law, and not a mature, or even stable Democracy. Ukraine CANNOT be trusted to use weapons in responsible ways. Too many of Ukraine's deficiencies are being ignored, or glossed over.

  8. I think Putin and Zelensky should duel it out to decide which side wins this stupidly concieved war. Unfortunately one of them will be too afraid to come out of his bunker.

  9. Fun history fact about Novorossiysk. It was founded by english exiles after the norman conquest and was called new sussex. That is why the river there is called Thames.

  10. When I was in Lviv, I used to run past that cemetery in the early mornings. It is an extension of a large, civilian graveyard.
    There is a similar extension to a cemetery on the southern edge of Kharkiv.

  11. Crazy story in Bolivia with one of the Worst Attempted Coups Ever which actually was pretty funny to watch. The area currently being contested is absolutely massive still and the Sea of Azov is very large. Trying to maneuver in and around Ukraine is no mean feat given how large the Rivers are there. Rumor that Ukraine has had their Artillery ammo crisis resolved is a good rumor anyways. Trying to stand up a Ukraine Navy and Ukraine Air Force whilst still fighting a massive existential land war is beyond the abilities of Ukraine alone so how the West does handle the upcoming Paris Olympic Games is a big deal as lessons learned from that can immediately be applied into Ukraine proper so here's hoping those Games go off safely and well for everyone there and then beyond as trying to manage "relationships" when the West starts pushing much more formally into Ukraine to confront Russia there is all art not science #permanent_presence #troop_rotation

  12. People need to stop saying the US wouldn't give Ukraine permission to strike in ruzzia. It's biden. We. The people have been calling for this.! In ruzzia they are afraid to critize putin by name too. Even YouTube likes to block criticism of joey .

  13. Cyber warfare is very real and very destructive. A large city near me, Hamilton , Ontario had it’s computer system hacked across the whole system. Taxes, payroll, suppliers, all became nonfunctional. After the city regained control of the system, companies that supplied to the city were hacked. Hamilton is a steel making city. From that steel , Ontario then makes cars, trucks, and military vehicles. Hamilton is also a major port. No one has said who did it but it happened late 2223, into the first three months of 2224. Who knows? We make armoured personnel carriers.

  14. Howdy Professor Gerdes, thanks for your update.
    I have been watching Mariia Veshchunova for a while. She mentions many Ukrainian towns very well in her native pronunciation and covers all the conflict areas. Could help in understanding Ukrainian pronunciation.

  15. The hotter the line the closer things get to parity. That’s bad news for the Ukrainians.

    This strategy has succeeded in showing that the more men Russia throws at Ukraine the quicker they can burn through Ukraine’s man power. I’d be very concerned as a Ukrainian because if Noko starts sending troops as well things are going to get very challenging especially once US aid ends with Trump taking over.

  16. It’s true that we (the US) should have allowed Ukrainian strikes across the border earlier. But this could also apply to the allies who had the same restrictions. It’s history now and hopefully we’ve learned from our reservations. Self-imposed red lines need to evaporate. We are now aware of Russia’s capabilities, or lack thereof.

  17. I’ve noticed your videos tend to have a very high like-to-view ratio. I’m curious what you attribute that to… my gut says it’s an indicator of an underdog channel that needs to reach more people, rather than an echo chamber or something like that.

  18. 1. What is named the Azov Sea is extremely shallow at the northern reaches and has fresh water.
    2. The Black Sea fleet is not safe there.
    3. A few weeks ago, I wrote about a missile firing ship being constructed elsewhere in Russia that is supposed to be sent to the Azov Sea. It is "scheduled" to be completed at the end of 2024. My belief is that it will, instead be diverted via the channel system to the Aral Sea.

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