Giving up my Kindle update – it's started to get harder

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Vantagens Assinatura Kindle

Com uma assinatura Kindle da Amazon, os leitores têm acesso ilimitado a uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa fixa mensal. Esta assinatura oferece uma série de vantagens, incluindo:

1 Acesso Ilimitado: Os assinantes podem explorar milhares de títulos em diversos gêneros, incluindo best-sellers, clássicos da literatura e obras de novos autores, sem restrições de quantidade.

Conveniência: Os eBooks e audiolivros podem ser baixados instantaneamente para dispositivos Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, permitindo aos leitores desfrutarem de sua leitura em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, mesmo offline.

2 Economia: Em comparação com a compra individual de cada título, a assinatura Kindle oferece uma opção mais econômica para os leitores ávidos, permitindo-lhes desfrutar de uma ampla gama de conteúdos por uma taxa mensal fixa.

3 Variedade: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited oferece uma variedade incomparável de títulos, garantindo que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses, desde romances e suspense até não-ficção e literatura infantil.

4 Atualizações e Novidades: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited é constantemente atualizada com novos lançamentos e adições, garantindo que os assinantes sempre tenham acesso aos títulos mais recentes e populares.


Desvendando o Kindle Unlimited: Uma Análise Completa da Assinatura Literária da Amazon

Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia tem revolucionado muitos aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a maneira como consumimos literatura. Com a ascensão dos dispositivos digitais, como o Kindle da Amazon, a experiência de leitura nunca foi tão conveniente e acessível. E dentro deste ecossistema literário, destaca-se o Kindle Unlimited, uma assinatura que oferece acesso a milhares de eBooks por uma taxa fixa mensal. Neste artigo, exploraremos em detalhes o que é o Kindle Unlimited, como funciona, seu preço, e se vale a pena investir nessa plataforma.

O que é o Kindle Unlimited?

O Kindle Unlimited é um serviço de assinatura oferecido pela Amazon que permite aos usuários acessarem uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa mensal fixa. Compatível com diversos dispositivos, incluindo o Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, o serviço proporciona aos amantes da leitura uma maneira conveniente de explorar uma ampla gama de títulos sem a necessidade de adquiri-los individualmente.

Como Funciona o Kindle Unlimited?

O funcionamento do Kindle Unlimited é simples e intuitivo. Após se inscrever na plataforma, os assinantes têm acesso instantâneo a milhares de títulos disponíveis no catálogo do serviço. Eles podem navegar, selecionar e baixar quantos livros desejarem, com a capacidade de manter até 10 títulos em seu dispositivo ao mesmo tempo. Quando desejarem, os usuários podem devolver os eBooks e audiolivros baixados para liberar espaço e adicionar novos itens à sua biblioteca virtual.

Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

Vale a Pena Investir no Kindle Unlimited?

A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

Giving up my Kindle update – it's started to get harder

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  1. The problem is you, not Amazon. Weird how you complain that Amazon sells you books on their device. The Kindle is the best e-reader experience. Period. When I am reading on a Kindle I have no issues not buying vast amounts of books, as most books I read on Kindle are borrowed from Libby.

  2. I dumbed Amazon after they banned me for a comment made on my account. My whole family shares my account so I wanted Amazon to tell me what the comment was. If one of my teenagers wrote something inappropriate I wanted to deal with it. Amazon refused to give me any information. When I complained, a two week ban was changed to a life ban without explanation. Done with Amazon FOREVER.

  3. I've got a fire tablet. Which I use for a variety of streaming sites* and kindle. sure I miss actual books. But getting up there in age. Kindle makes it easier.

    *jail broke the tablet so I can download apps from Google play

  4. A sports bra !!! You know why that happened don't you? It's my fault, because I comment about sports books all the time. Their algorythm found my comments 🤭 I reckon I know how to read that kindle only book on a non-kindle device. It's a little complicated but in DDB land eveything is possible. 😉

  5. I will say it again, Kindle is some of the best [e-reader] hardware out there but not so good software, consider jailbreaking it and using it running KOReader. Don't waste the device just because you want to ditch Amazon. I mean, you already paid for the thing.

  6. I am really in favor of digitally owning your books, but your choice of the Kobo as your ereader surprises me. I feel like they are smaller but try to have the same business model as Amazon. I pull DRM from my books and digitally own them (Now) and my ereader of choice is the Pocketboook ereader line. They don't required you have their store on thier device, and they allow you to sync your books wirelessly without conversion, you just put up in their cloud. They also support a ton of formats. it's a harder brand to get in the US because it an EU brand, but worth it.

  7. I could never read a book from a screen, why would anyone? Maybe if they were amputees or something,. I never had a kindle account and hopefully I never will. Sorry for that Mini rant, but I thought it necessary, I must me having a bad night!!!

  8. I’d stopped using kindle but I had to dig it out of the cupboard because I couldn’t find print copies of ketchums the woman or Ed lee’s dahmer’s not dead at a reasonable price and I really want to read them. Not sure why I stopped reading on kindle. I prefer to read from a print copy because I tend to remember a book more that way.

  9. I decided just to move forward with my Kobo and netgalley and not look back at my old backlist. I also didn't move all my ebooks over from kindle, because starting fresh feels less overwhelming. My biggest issue with the kobo is also the lack of indie horror books, as those are not books I can find in stores or at the library. For that reason, I may not give up my kindle completely, but we are on a break. You have me eyeing that palm device so I can read at work and it will just look like I'm looking at my phone (which is somehow more accepted). A sports bra spot would have been GOLD!

  10. Olly, there are some things in this life that you simply can’t give up. Tea, my silliness, and your Kindles. 😂 Hold up, You’re a BIG user of NetGalley? I thought you were more mediocre? 😉 Yeah, the NetGalley option to Kobo is a total drag. – MJ. P.s. send the sports bra people over to this CrossFitter! 😂🏋🏻‍♀️

  11. I think you have to make peace with the fact that all corporations are pretty evil. Is cutting off Amazon and sending money to the disaster that is Rakuten Group, Inc. a better thing? Or Apple? You don't have to go all in and buy everything from Amazon but why inconvenience yourself when you're just feeding another company?

  12. If you're already a Prime member, why not take advantage of the Prime First? Why not just read that book via the Kindle app on your Palma? Why not milk Amazon for all of its worth?

  13. Publishing on Kindle DRM Free is not really a thing that works any more because there is no way to download it (other than to a kindle device.). So you still need the special add-on software to calibre before you you can get the book to another device. The hurdle for the non-technophiles is pretty much identical whether or not there is drm encryption.

  14. I think one of the sad things is that it is going to be necessary to stop purchasing from Amazon even if author’s are only selling through Amazon in order to stop this madness. Many of us have more than enough to read for a lifetime I don’t want to give any more money to Amazon.

  15. No way would I give up my kindle. Yes they have the advantage in the market but they should. They have the best and easiest app. I like the variety of devices available. They have the best library of books. I also find the best prices through Amazon. To each their own…but I’d be lost without mine.

  16. I’ve tried to get rid of mine and bought the kobo libra Colour but sent it back. Kobo just don’t have the library that Amazon has. And I’m terrible at transferring my books… so I guess I’m a lifer with kindle and Amazon

  17. Hey! I actually traded my Kindle in last week to get a Kobo Libra Color. So far, I have no regrets. I guess it comes down to what sort of books you read. As of yet, I haven't had any that I couldn't get hold of. I'm also loving being able to take books out from my library, and I prefer the Kobo user interface overall as it is more geared towards getting me to read what I own, as opposed to Amazon constantly trying to get me to buy more.

  18. I’ve never had a kindle, but I appreciate this effort. Anywhere it’s possible to get rid of Amazon is a win in my books. For Netgalley, do you have the Netgalley app? All of my ebooks for Netgalley show up and can be read through the app regardless of how old they are.

  19. I have a kindle somewhere in my room. I bought it a few years back, but I recently purchased a kobo Clara after seeing your review about the kobo libra. I’m liking it so far. I don’t care about the kindle in the slightest.

  20. Kindle unlimited isnt world wide either. I contacted amazon about it once and they basically told me how to cheat around it – money is god i guess😅 but if authors are limited to KU they have less of a reach so to speak.

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