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  1. Great vide! I’ve a question – Can we use google Ads for print on demand stores? I have read mixed reviews like google doesn’t support print on demand business as POD stores don’t store stock but google is ok if we offer variants so would appreciate your thoughts on this.I have print on demand store on Shopify wherein I sell giftable jewelry that comes in a box with a meaningful message card and each of my products has at least 2 variants per listing.

  2. Finally completed the complete video… Gained lots of knowledge.
    Thanks for the valuable session.
    Could you please provide situation based marketing media plan and campaign.
    Example- Want to sell homoeopathic medicine online. How to create media plan and how to target effectively?

  3. First, you should learn Google Ads properly before trying to teach others. Your explanation is very bad, and you seem like a beginner who only knows the basics. If you can't improve, you should stop making tutorials like this.

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