Inside Amazon's Smart Warehouse

Amazon is the world’s biggest retailer, and its CEO Jeff Bezos the world’s richest man, for one very good reason. His company is better than anyone else, ever, at giving people what they want, quickly.

Amazon acquired its undisputed status as heavyweight champion of the retail universe thanks largely to its lightning-fast delivery times. The astonishing feat of ferrying hundreds of millions of items, from guitar strings to saucepans to car parts, directly to your door, inside 24 hours, is nothing short of a modern logistical miracle.

So how does Amazon do it? A super-smart army of slave robots, for one. Ingenious, if occasionally unscrupulous, management practices are part of the answer too. And the modern-day voodoo of deep-learning AI – all of which are made flesh in the most advanced stockrooms the world has ever seen. So join us today, as we button up our hi-vis jacket and journey inside Amazon’s smart warehouses.

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Inside Amazon's Smart Warehouse
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  1. Amazon is no more trustworthy.
    They cheated money from customer after online payment items never comes.
    Stupid Amazon thief platform.
    Cheating customer money shameful to the owner.

  2. I used to work for Amazon it was one of the best jobs ive had ever cause there was actually food there which people could get and i had a seizure people geniunley called an ambulance god bless them and happy new year they are actually cool i have my issues just Amazon are awesome the health and safety along with wellbeing is next generation.

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