INTERNAL Russian Propaganda for the War Effort

Would you like to know how Russians propagandize Russians? Watch this video. We talk about internal Russian propaganda.

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INTERNAL Russian Propaganda for the War Effort

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  1. In the 1960's my mother kept talking of the Documents discovered on the Russians plans for destroying the West/The Church from within: 'The March of the Anti-Christ'….
    The 7 Deadly Sins of the Anti-Christ:
    Shamelessness, Magical Thinking, Arrogance, Envy, Entitlement, Exploitation and Bad Boundaries.

  2. Here in Great Britain we've had Muslim speakers invoking jehad against the British Christian and atheist population almost word for word with this Russian Orthodox priest, they are usually charged with terrorism and end up in Belmarsh Prison.

  3. I thought the Holy War justification was a fringe belief amongst the Duginist of the Russian church. I had no idea it was preached by the Patriarch and his priests of tge Anti-Christ.

  4. I knew this 💩 from Warthog Defense when it came to what I mockingly called, “EVIL POPE”.
    Kyrill(?). Bastard! Exactly. It’s the 70 virgins thing all over again!
    Can’t see how it’s TOO ingrained though since they we’re pretty much atheist as communists.

  5. If we all work together ❤️, we can defeat Russia, bring them beg to Russia where they belong, in an stupid country. Alcohol and stupidity. And our politicians don't understand 🙄 this. We have so many refugees from Oekraïne and other countries, give them work to help Oekraïne. Send them to Oekraïne to build up the energy infrastructure. The immigration becomes heroes 🙌. We have so stupid politicians 🙄, 🙄 😑 😒 😤

  6. He made a very good point…. It is Propaganda aimed firstly at the Russian people, and it has been this way since 1650. For all Protestants… They are told not to read the Bible much on their own. If you visit a Protestant Church several times someone there will give you a Bible. After visiting the Russian Orthodox Church several times I was given a book on the sayings / teachings of 100 Russian Orthodox Monks.

  7. Thank you Prof. G. and Greg Terry, for this report on the hypocrisy and evil, spewed by this beacon of family values, representing The Russian Orthodox Church. Of concern, is the banning of these Devils from continuing to spew Putin's BS in Ukraine. Its my understanding that the ROC in Ukraine is no longer a legal entity. If so, could the church do a name change, and get a new charter? Potentially, the same Priest ant the same Church spewing the same crap, by using a new name.
    Sl ava Ukraini, Free AZOV, Return the Children, Crimea is Ukraine, RGTFO and VPDFO.

  8. The Russian Orthodox Church uses a huge number of non-biblical sources, also they teach not to study the Bible in it's entirety. The Russian Orthodox Church also teaches doctrines that are considered Herritical by most other Orthodox Churches. Moscow believes it inherited the Orthodox Crown of Constantinople. Henceforth there is a huge conflict now in Orthodox World. Is the Head of Global Orthodoxy in Istanbul or in Moskva? Istanbul supports the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; however Moskva says the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not real and to step inside is to buy a ticket to hell. But by principals and precepts Istanbul is the Head of the Orthodox Church; however Moscow says these principals and precepts were broken when the Ottomans took Constantinople.

  9. Each (Russian) Orthodox Church has at least one Priest who is a KGB agent. During the Russian Empire at least one Priest in each church was an agent of the Tzar's secret police. The Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchy is an extension of the political will of Moskva. I know for a fact there were Russian Orthodox Monasteries in California who were loyal to Moscow throughout the Cold War, who were sending materials to the Mother Church in Moscow. I have been told by Russian and Ukrainian Protestants that the Russian Orthodox Church in USA / England is part of the Russian spy net work. There are two Russian Orthodox Churches outside of Russia… 1) Russian Orthodox under Moscow Control. 2) Russian Orthodox Independent of Moscow control. The Monistary that was sending documents to Moscow during the Cold War was in name ( Offiicually ) independent of Moscow. For several years I had friends who were members of the Russian ( Moscow ) Orthodox Church. And I would not believe what I am saying unless I witnessed it myself. I have talked with, sat with, and eaten with KGB agents dressed in the robes of a priest.

  10. Two heretics discuss and slander the real Christian Church. The father of lies has deceived them into thinking they are Christian but they are just heretics with no connection to Jesus. Catholics were cool in the past dealing with such heresy (search for The Albigensian Crusade ) but now Catholics are the same with heretics. The fall of Christianity in the West is in full swing.

  11. Two years ago I saw a video of a Russian chaplain telling his troops to kill every Ukrainian in sight, including children and old women, for being 'satanists'. So you, I quickly learned how Russia started a war of genocide.

    The Russian Orthodox Church has more to do with war and imperialism than Christianity. No wonder that Ukraine is taking steps against this organization

  12. When we see the Russian church pushing violence so Russia can acquire a small country it doesn’t need, we need to be careful how we push back. Absolutely Ukraine should take up arms to fight back. But if that’s it, our position is also not much more Christian than theirs. We talk about a combined arms offensive: use infantry, artillery, long range weapons, aircraft and drones, and arms on the sea. To this we need to add negotiation, communication, “weapons” of peace. Jesus might approve that more than just fighting with arms. It’s a lot more work but looks like it can have a better strategic chance to give Ukraine lasting peace.

    Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
    Anything about Gandhi, MLK, Daryl Davis
    Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg
    Anything about or written by Gene Sharp

    Communication and negotiating can be learned by disabled vets who can no longer fight physically at the front, seniors, children, both Ukrainians and supporters of Ukraine. Everyone can learn more about communication. The more skill at this the better chance this war will end earlier.

  13. … maybe as Christian as Maga Mike Johnson?
    .. or almost any church in war?
    … Christian Crusades never happened?
    Yes, this is a shame!
    We had power resumed here just some time ago, bad night in Ukraine regarding power.

  14. Yesterday I watched an interview with the russian POW, who was senced to 10 years for drugs and received opportunity to be released if he becomes soldier. He was promised to be good paid for becoming a soldier and not to be at the front line. The guy has 3 kids. The guy is rather religious, read Bible and obviously says he is not guilty for murdering Ukrainians in Ukraine because he is the warrior, so it is not a sin. His wife is so called traditional wife and supports each decision of her husband. These people believe in God, think they will go to heaven after he decided to earn money at war

  15. I wonder if the words in the bible that to Russia Orthodox Church uses are different or altered to support the Kremlin's narrative. If not, any Russian should be able to read the relevant parts in the bible and see for themselves the fallacy in the priest's statement. Regardless, it should ring false out of simple logic.

  16. Civilisations have used religion to buttress their autocracies and fuel their violence for thousands of years. This is far more the normal than the exception. Another statement that I have heard most of my life is, "Oh but that is not true Communism, "when Communists are confronted with their atrocities.

  17. One of the few recorded sayings of Jesus that he probably actually said during his life is:
    "I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
    Neither this orthodox "priest" nor any others who profess to follow Jesus Christ but foment hatred towards others – and I include many American preachers in this – can really be counted as Christians if they so utterly reject the actual teachings of the man himself.
    They need to be called out for their hypocrisy.

  18. No offense, but this is a good lesson in how "Christian" does not mean what you think it does. You associate Christianity with the Protestant, maybe specifically Baptist, view, emphasizing the new testament and forgiveness. A few generations ago your forbears would have been railing against the "papists" and their corruption, for example in the selling of indulgences – but it was the Protestants that left the Catholic church, not vice versa. But the split between the Eastern Orthodox and the rest of Christianity goes much deeper, to soon after the time of Christ, to when the question was whether Peter was Christ's successor, as well as every Pope since, or whether Peter was merely the first among equals. Indeed, it could be argued that Protestantism is closer to Islam than to Eastern Orthodox, since the split with the Eastern Orthodox happened first.

  19. As a baptized Greek Orthodox Christian I am offended and repulsed by the Russian Orthodox Church! The institution has become nothing more than a tool for the reining political regime. If we in the west were not so caught up in all this, effeminizing , Woke BS this sort of propaganda would be much more difficult to gain traction.

  20. This should not come as a surprise.
    There are a couple of posters on Quora who consistently call out the (so-called) Russian Orthodox 'Church' for their blatant support of this 'S0VlET' militarization and the war against Ukraine.
    As they explain – The Russian Orthodox 'Church' was infiltrated by the KGB back in the SOVlET era – And this practice appears to be continuing today, under the FSB. ('For What It's Worth', Archbishop KiriII is supposedly a full-blown FSB operative.)

  21. Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. – An American WWII pro war song by Frank Henry Loesser. It was used as a recruitment tool.

    Onward Christian soldier – Not originally meant to be a pro war song but was used to recruit soldiers in both world wars- by Sabine Baring-Gould.

    I'm not being pro-Russian, but as students of history while observing what is going on today, we would do well not to forget how governments manipulate people to do their bidding. And I'm talking about all governments.

  22. Catholic Church signed an agreement with Adolph Hitler to give him permission to tell Catholics that God directs them to kill British and French. The very same churches in England and France told their soldiers to go and kill Germans. This is nothing new. The church minted coins with the name Iheovah, Jehovah is Latin to fund the crusades to go off and kill. "War Never Changes!"

  23. Thank you for the video, Prof & Padre Greg ✝️! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧
    While I'm not a man for organized religion (it's ruined for me – I wasn't welcome), I have my own faith and relationship with the Divine, and I hold deep respect for those who truly live by their spiritual principles. Chaplains (Padre) and civilian faith leaders who genuinely 'practice what they preach' and strive to embody Christ's teachings are a beacon of strength and hope.
    I understand the profound power that faith can bring, even as someone outside traditional religious structures.
    But as for the twisted mockery of faith by the moskovite regime of putin; there's nothing but contempt from me. The FSB's grotesque parody of religion, using it as a tool for propaganda to justify war crimes, slaughtering innocents, and committing atrocities beyond comprehension, is a perversion of everything sacred.

    No sympathy for the FSB sub-command of the Moscow patriarchy, under the broader propaganda and intelligence directorate, nor for the agents with the FSB rank of 'priest' or 'bishop'. They are the very embodiment of evil.
    Heroyam Slava! Slava kapelanam! 🇺🇦✊

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