Kindle VS Kobo: Which is the BEST eReader?

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Vantagens Assinatura Kindle

Com uma assinatura Kindle da Amazon, os leitores têm acesso ilimitado a uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa fixa mensal. Esta assinatura oferece uma série de vantagens, incluindo:

1 Acesso Ilimitado: Os assinantes podem explorar milhares de títulos em diversos gêneros, incluindo best-sellers, clássicos da literatura e obras de novos autores, sem restrições de quantidade.

Conveniência: Os eBooks e audiolivros podem ser baixados instantaneamente para dispositivos Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, permitindo aos leitores desfrutarem de sua leitura em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, mesmo offline.

2 Economia: Em comparação com a compra individual de cada título, a assinatura Kindle oferece uma opção mais econômica para os leitores ávidos, permitindo-lhes desfrutar de uma ampla gama de conteúdos por uma taxa mensal fixa.

3 Variedade: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited oferece uma variedade incomparável de títulos, garantindo que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses, desde romances e suspense até não-ficção e literatura infantil.

4 Atualizações e Novidades: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited é constantemente atualizada com novos lançamentos e adições, garantindo que os assinantes sempre tenham acesso aos títulos mais recentes e populares.


Desvendando o Kindle Unlimited: Uma Análise Completa da Assinatura Literária da Amazon

Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia tem revolucionado muitos aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a maneira como consumimos literatura. Com a ascensão dos dispositivos digitais, como o Kindle da Amazon, a experiência de leitura nunca foi tão conveniente e acessível. E dentro deste ecossistema literário, destaca-se o Kindle Unlimited, uma assinatura que oferece acesso a milhares de eBooks por uma taxa fixa mensal. Neste artigo, exploraremos em detalhes o que é o Kindle Unlimited, como funciona, seu preço, e se vale a pena investir nessa plataforma.

O que é o Kindle Unlimited?

O Kindle Unlimited é um serviço de assinatura oferecido pela Amazon que permite aos usuários acessarem uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa mensal fixa. Compatível com diversos dispositivos, incluindo o Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, o serviço proporciona aos amantes da leitura uma maneira conveniente de explorar uma ampla gama de títulos sem a necessidade de adquiri-los individualmente.

Como Funciona o Kindle Unlimited?

O funcionamento do Kindle Unlimited é simples e intuitivo. Após se inscrever na plataforma, os assinantes têm acesso instantâneo a milhares de títulos disponíveis no catálogo do serviço. Eles podem navegar, selecionar e baixar quantos livros desejarem, com a capacidade de manter até 10 títulos em seu dispositivo ao mesmo tempo. Quando desejarem, os usuários podem devolver os eBooks e audiolivros baixados para liberar espaço e adicionar novos itens à sua biblioteca virtual.

Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

Vale a Pena Investir no Kindle Unlimited?

A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

Kindle VS Kobo: Which is the BEST eReader?

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  1. There were so many details you glossed over. Kobo Plus is $7.99 while Kindle Unlimited is $11.99 (it used to be $9.99). Kobo's color models are half the resolution at 150 PPI, while the BW models are 300 PPI, the same as the Kindle. I know you said you only have the color models, so you couldn't tell if the BW models would be better for your eyes, but surely this doesn't prevent you from doing a quick Google search. I know the Kobo BW uses a Carta 1300, and I think the Kindle uses Carta 1200, but I'm not sure. They don't seem keen on advertising this detail. You also said that you feel the Kindle (basic) is better than the Kobo Clara BW, but you failed to mention that the Kobo has a warm light and water resistance and doesn't have ads by default. These might seem like minute details, but they can impact the buying decision for someone looking to purchase an e-reader.

  2. I was heavily contemplating the Kobo Libra Colour, I currently own a kindle oasis, paperwhite, and basic…I just can’t leave the Amazon ecosystem I love how everything is integrated, and I love KU! So I guess’s I’ll have to wait until Amazon makes a color ereader😭🤦🏾‍♀️

  3. I just boxed up the Kobo Libra Colour. I really tried, but the screen and crispness of text felt like a step backwards. In addition, there was no easy way to export annotations from side loaded books. I wasn't satisfied with results of changing the config file (the export is text with just the quotes and no locations), and Calibre is my nemesis. The Overdrive feature wasn't great for me because I have several library cards. I loved the buttons and the feel, but the software just wasn't it for me. 🙁

  4. Well, I'm going to find out the answer myself! I've ordered Kobo Libra Colour. To be honest, one of the biggest reasons for this purchase is not really the color screen but the page-turn buttons and the automatic screen rotation. Amazon discontinuing the Oasis was a huge, huge blow for me, and it pushed me towards considering other E-readers on the market. Kobo seemed like the best option considering my use case. Actually, I wanted to get a Kobo Libra 2?, not the color one, but it wasn't available anywhere I looked. Then, the Kobo Libra Colour wasn't that much more expensive in comparison, and I was curious enough to try the color ink screen, so I said why not? This doesn't mean that I'm going to switch completely from Kindle to Kobo; I still love my Kindle. Let's see how it goes.

  5. I like both platforms. But using Kobo reading stats is easier to plan my reading sessions. I like it that the screen is considered one page according to the font size. This way I can plan my reading time in advance and accurately.

  6. Thanks for the video, I really enjoyed it! I also own both the kindle paperwhite and the kobo clara bw and would like to clarify some of your points that I feel aren’t wholly correct.

    – Firstly, I think it’s unfair to compare the black and white screen of the kindle with the colour screen of the kobo. They use different technologies and aren’t comparable. The black and white kobos use the exact same e-ink screen as kindle and the new clara is even faster than the kindle due to it being the latest version.

    – The kobo clara is more comparable to the kindle paperwhite, rather than the basic, due to its quality, warm light and water proofing, which makes it priced very well in my opinion.

    – I agree that the build quality of kindles feel nicer, but it’s important to note that the kobo uses recycled plastics. Also, there’s been complaints of the kindle basic cracking just from being inside the official cases, something to note for sure!

    – Library books can be sent from your smartphone to your ereader with both kobo and kindle. I personally find Libby on the kobo extremely straightforward and as I live outside of the US, Libby on the kindle isn’t an option for me.

    I love kindles for how convenient they are, the gorgeous build quality and how they sync across devices. However, I prefer my kobo because I think it’s better as a device overall, I can use Libby with it, and I enjoy how much you can customise everything. Thanks again for the video! 🙂

  7. I have chosen, and will always choose, Kobo over Kindle. The freedom of not being tied to the Amazon ecosystem is reason enough to avoid a Kindle. While syncing and having all your books on your Amazon account can be convenient, it completely prevents you from buying, accessing, or borrowing books from other available libraries or repositories.
    And the audacity of Amazon to charge you more to remove ads? Embarrassing.

  8. It’s definitely the color – they have to put the color film on and it causes something people call “screen door effect.” It’s the only technology option for color e ink at this time. The kobo and kindle B&W devices use the same screen technology & won’t have that.

  9. I have always had a Kobo – bought the Kobo Touch in 2012 which is still working! I now had the Kobo Clara 2E and it is great. We bought my daughter a Kindle but it's very complicated compared to the Kobo especially if downloading books from other sources. I would definitely say Kobo is the best – great ecosystem and easy to navigate!

  10. Would love a more thorough overview of Kindle Unlimited vs Kobo Plus and their selections/value. I've seen a fair number of reviews of the hardware, but barely anyone touches on the service side of these devices at all.

    Personally, I've currently got a Kobo Libra H2O. At the time, I wanted buttons and it was a much cheaper buttoned device than the Kindle Oasis, which isn't even available anymore. But as I try to make more time for leisure reading again, I'm looking to be able to explore a selection with less pressure to pick the Right Books, and that has me really eyeing the subscription services. And it sure seems like KU has more going for it, but I'm not sure if it's got "have a second ereader with its own incompatible storefront" levels of more going for it.

  11. You failed to mention that the kindle basic is not waterproof/resistant while the kobo clara (base model) is. I guess that’s why the kindle basic is cheaper than than the clara.

  12. I feel like I'm going to be 83 by the time i can borrow books on my Kobo from my Library. My city is recovering from a cyber attack and they're currently building everything from the bottom up again. It's been 4 months and it will take a very long time to recover.

    Everyone please borrow from your library so i can live vicariously through you all

    I'm thoroughly bummed out.

  13. I use a kindle pw and a kobo sage. At home I exclusively read books/manga on the kobo since it’s a larger screen with buttons and I convert all my kindle books onto my kobo. In my bag I travel with my kindle for any outdoor reading I can get my little grubby hands on.

  14. To Canadians, Kindle is a complete non starter and a pathetic feature failure. Kobo allows for borrowing content from your local library, where Amazon has chosen to cripple the Canadian Kindle experience by not allowing Canadians to borrow using the Libby system. The second massive Kindle disappointment to Canadians is that audiobooks are not available. Even worse, Bluetooth is not even available in the main menu of the Kindle. To Canadians, Kindle is a massive, pathetic disappointment. But at least it can display print and words on the screen. It’s kinda’ like you bought a car that doesn’t have reverse, and the doors don’t open and you have to climb in and out the windows. Dylan, please make Kindles huge shortcomings clear on your reviews.

  15. I have both a kobo libra color and a kindle paperwhite. Like you said the kobo version of kindle unlimited isn’t as great but I’m trying not out and I’ve seen books I’ve been interested in reading so maybe I’ll keep it. I wish you could add more books on overdrive on the kobo but such is life. I do love that if there happens to be a book that I can’t transfer to my kindle it’ll show up on my kobo so that’s great.

  16. My preference is KOBO. I enjoy getting books from other sources and loading them into my Kobo, via Calibre/Dropbox. Both Kindle and Kobo offer great reading experiences (I have both). Kindle has two advantages over Kobo, whispersync and index. Kobo has color, (which I own) however I don't read with color, so color is simply nice.

  17. I really like using collections, to organise my books. I follow a few groups that tell you when kindle books can be purchased for free, so i get a lot and get overwhelmed. So i have a collection for what I'm currently reading, what im going to read next, what ive read and one for books that i always have downloaded (and of course the different genres)

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