these sports romances SURPRISED me | Kindle Unlimited

Books Mentioned: 5 Rounds: Play With Me: Icebreaker:

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Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

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A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

these sports romances SURPRISED me | Kindle Unlimited

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  1. I adored Icebreaker! I also really wanted more tension about sharing the ice rink. I wish they could have had more bickering back and forth even if they were hooking up but that is the enemies to lovers girly in me. The banter, the communication between them, the side characters for me were all really great. It felt very well rounded and the hockey players had me laughing out loud, I need all of them to get their own books. Loved an experienced heroine who knows what she wants in the bedroom, I was getting extremely bored of the ‘innocent virgin’ that is often written about. Not entirely sure how realistic some of the choices were in the epilogue. I couldn’t stop reading which is a great sign. Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Honestly, I had unsubscribed to you for a while because I was like wow, shes so negative about everything ugh ugh ugh but then I came to realize that the only reason I thought that is because I'm the same way. We are very similar in a lot of ways. So once I got over myself and realized you do make good content, and I usually rate most books like 2 or 3 stars, that I enjoy watching your videos. Maybe other people need to learn to get over themselves as well.

    I always wanted to be making youtube videos, and being critical of the books I read, and then I saw you doing it so well? Jealous much past me? You have great content. Forget those people.

  3. Icebreaker gives me Fire on Ice vibes and that's all I need to know! I'm glad to know you enjoyed it, I feel like I've seen a lot of criticisms about this book recently, so it made me a little reluctant to pick it up 😅

  4. I think your reviews are hilarious. And even though I appreciate your reviews, it doesn’t ever really stop me from reading it for myself if I think it sounds interesting. And sometimes I agree and sometimes I don’t but it’s not a big deal. It isn’t even a deal at all actually.

  5. I dnf’d 5 rounds. It felt basic, way too much smut and was boring once they got together. I also didn’t appreciate that the first time they slept together they were intoxicated. Whiskey dick is very real lol

  6. Oh my gosh I agree with what you said about smut!!! I love romance and it by no means bothers me but I feel like some of these books are drowning in it and it really takes away from the plot and development of the story. I’ve started skipping it because I get so bored. I usually read the first smut scene in a book and the ones that I think are unique and interesting (example, welcome to the dark side with the cherry lollipop 👀)

  7. I’m sure you’ve read the first book but the entire hot chalk series by Kendall Ryan is absolutely amazing and it follows guys from the same hockey team I think you would really enjoy almost every single book and every single instalment follows a different guy and a different type of romance like obviously it’s a hockey romance but The love interest and how their love story goes is different in every story and they’re just thoroughly enjoyable quick reads that I love during the winter time.

  8. I’m usually a silent watcher but felt the need to comment. Please please continue to review books the way you do!! I really struggle to watch book reviewers who give 4/5 stars for every book because I’m so much more critical of books than that and so can’t be as certain of their recommendations. I love how you rate books. It makes your reviews trustworthy and very validating to us harsher reviewers who don’t give 4 or 5 stars easily.😅 You talking about the specifics of what didn’t work for you about a book let’s me know whether that would also not work for me, or if It wouldn’t bother me and I’m so grateful for that as I have avoided many hyped books that I just know I’d have not enjoyed!!😂

    Also, sometimes it’s just much more enjoyable to hear someone talk about tropes/books they don’t like. Usually a lot more of an explanation to the reasoning instead of maybe when someone gives a book 5 stars and just gushes about it and says how it’s good but with no further analysis. For me, reviews like that can be a bit repetitive.

    The way you talk about books is by far my favourite! So please keep being you!! Don’t let comments like that get to you they’ll always find something to say even if you change. Unfortunately there’s just some people you can never please. Xx

  9. You like love-stories and smex scenes(sometimes)—what other genre would you try? 😅😅
    Try not to let the dissers get you too down; You are entitled to your own thoughts/feelings, and your reviews[ positive or negative] are just as valuable as anyone else's…and, to me[ personally], oftentimes much more valuable🙂 🤍


  10. The Cutting Edge! I love that 80s movie.

    I recently read Home Game by Odette Stone and really liked it. (Totally skipped book 1 to read this one).

    Also really love Moonshot by Alessandra Torre, The Player by Claire Contreras, and Ride by Harper Dallas.

  11. I felt strangely validated hearing Chandler (queen of the booktube romance genre in my humble opinion) say she doesn’t like too much smut in her romance because SAME.
    Like yes it’s great to know the hero & heroine hook up but I’m tired of the overly descriptive wish fulfillment orgasms. We don’t need it, the book won’t suffer without it. Or is that the most unpopular opinion? Did I just cancel myself? 😄🧡

  12. sometimes, a girl only needs characters for a book to be good! also, not enjoying every book you read is okay, i don't really understand the complaining about you sharing criticism about books? i absolutely love when you talk about your thoughts, positive, negative or neutral! it gives perspective and is always so interesting. you're awesome, never forget that!

  13. One of the things I most enjoy about this channel is the amount of critique and criticism and negative comments about some books. I feel like it is always balanced well enough with positive comments. I am very critical of books myself so I would not find this channel half as nice to watch and relatable f it was overly positive about every book.

  14. i specifically watch book reviews to watch people being haters! i’m a critical reader and i enjoy watching other critical readers tear a book to pieces❤️

  15. You shouldn't feel bad for being honest about your thoughts and feelings about a book. The only reason I watch your videos is because you're honest about your thoughts. You and I have similar thoughts on certain books so please don't stop sharing your opinion

  16. As someone who tends to rate books highly, I actually really enjoy your videos because you teach me to read more critically. I’ve been watching you for about a year and a half now, your way of reviewing is modern (as in not pretentious sounding) while still perfectly articulating your opinion, and it actually helps me when I write my own reviews! Some people are easy to please because they’re not very picky (like me) and some people are specific about what they like or sometimes what they just don’t want to see (like you) and that’s ok. That’s why there are so many books in the world (and plenty of booktubers to watch). ❤

  17. Loved to hear your thoughts on these books! Been waiting on someone I trust for their thoughts on icebreaker, I’ll have to give it a read! Speaking of hockey romances though! I recently read heated rivalry and the long game by Rachel Reid and I looked and saw that you read and loved heated rivalry but haven’t read the long game since it has come out semi recently so if you’re ever in the mood for more smutty hockey romance from our resident favorite rival hockey players I highly recommend!

  18. Chandler, it's okay. I have been your subscriber for years now, and there have been a handful of times when I don't really agree with some of your opinions, but I value them. It gives me a fresh perspective on reading more critically, and I love that I learn from you. That's why I stuck around for years (different username, though. Different account, new phone). For the most part, I've fallen in love with a lot of your recommendations, and you have introduced me to a lot of great authors. It's great that you're picky! Just like you said in your other video, it is an act of self-love to DNF a book you don't really like. There are a lot of good books out there, and so little time! We should be making the most of it! 🙂

  19. Oh, chan, so sorry about the whole "are you sure you love romance" thing because you are very genuine in everything you say- It's why I love your videos. It's perfectly normal for our tastes to evolve, especially after reading so many books. ..:hugs: Thanks for recs, Icebreaker sounds super fun!

  20. Hey Chandler, i really love your videos (the only book channel I watch tbh) and I never had the feeling that you are overcritical!
    As an international viewer I often need to buy books online when I want to read them in their original language or I read their translations (for me into German) that’s why I thought if making a video about international romance authors that were translated into English could be an interesting video ? Also to see if there would be any differences between them and American/ Brithish books ?

  21. I am so happy you enjoyed Icebreaker! It was a surprising hit for me. Also, on the point of people complaining about your opinions, honestly screw it. I find it so refreshing to see someone who doesn't always hype up everything that is hyped up on all socials. You look at these books with a much more objective eye than many other people on booktube. Don't change who you are, because you're awesome! 💗

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