is KINGMAKERS worth the hype??? full series vlog | kindle unlimited

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Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

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is KINGMAKERS worth the hype??? full series vlog | kindle unlimited

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  1. I read the brutal birthright series and I had mixed feelings about it. I generally liked it but there were definitely things that didn’t really work for me. I’ve also kinda accepted that her writing isn’t really for me which is unfortunate since it does seem like a lot of people enjoy her stuff. I also read Ivan which is the first book in the underworld series and thought it was just super bland. I thought it had a lot of potential but I wanted her to go deeper with all the elements of the book than she did so it just felt very surface level to me. I don’t know exactly how to describe it but there’s something about her writing that just doesn’t work for me.

  2. Since you liked The Bully maybe you should check out the Kings of Quarantine series if you haven't already! It's a reverse harem bully romance that ends up taking some pretty odd turns, but there were a lot of moments that made me literally laugh out loud and I LOVE one of the guy's uncle Niall so much. Hands down favorite character in the series

  3. I completely agree and I was thinking maybe it’s just me because so many people I follow love her stuff, but I think you put it exactly right that her stories are just plot driven and lack emotional depth particularly with the romance, which I need in a story.

    I also think her stuff is just not for me, and this is coming from someone who has only read the Brutal Birthright series and not even Kingmakers.. so surely this is just something about the way she writes.

  4. I had similar opinions across the board, but hated how all the characters treated Nix in The Spy and I wanted to see all of them show some actual affection towards her after all the shit went down. Like she got fully betrayed and while it was for the best in the end, they all turned their back on her with no remorse except for Sabrina

  5. Read the Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac series please!!! It is a RH set in the same world as Zodiac Academy but before ZA happens. It has some crossover with that world and also introduces some characters from ZA! It is my FAV RH and has so many amazing characters, great romance, and an interesting but easy to follow plot!

  6. I completely agree! The only book I enjoyed was The Bully and I still didn’t love it enough to buy the paperback or anything like that. I felt like the setting fell flat, I wanted it to be more than it was but then even the romances felt surface level and there wasn’t the development that I wanted from any of them except for Dean and Cat.

  7. I have read the Sophie lark other series (brutal brithright all 6 and Underworld first 4) so I was excited about this series… I read the whole series around the time savage came out.. so just like you back to back.. so my thoughts are exactly same as you… Though I liked Spy a bit more to give it 4 stars due to Ivan and Slaone but yes Nyx as a character could have been explored more.. I really liked her.. and Sabrina father Nero is one of my fav character from author.. but to see the same traits but in such a dumb and disaster way was sad.. and hated Adrik with a passion.. he is my least fav character by Sophie lark..
    And ofcourse without a doubt Dean and Cat are my favourite.. they were written to be the favourite.. and it was the Idea of Draco and Hermione that prompted this series by lark.. also, the first two books were blah.. though I had more expectations..

  8. I’ve read this series as well (DNFed The Savage though) and while I appreciate Sophie’s creativity and loved the Kingmakers setting, I feel like her romances are not very emotional. The books always have so much potential and then end up not realizing it. That said, the series was a wild ride and I don’t regret reading it. Most of her heroines are strong and badass (or become that in the course of their books, like Cat) and I like that they can hold their own in this world of alpha mafia dudes. I’m not sure I’ll continue with her books (I’ve already read the Brutal Birthright series as well) in the future though because I’ve realized that I do need the emotional aspects of a relationship that her couples seem to be lacking a lot of the time.
    Would love to see this kind of vlog for Zodiac Academy!! I recently started Claire Kingsley’s Bailey Brothers series, that might me something to try as well. The first book is shorter and a prequel for the friends to lovers in the second book (the first couple has two books, every other couple has one book). I’m liking the series so far because it is set in a Stars Hollow-esque town and the relationship is very emotional.
    Side note: your lashes look so good!!

  9. Agree with so much of what you said about the series! Read The Bully and skimmed the other books because I couldn't be bothered to actually read them. My main issues are the absolutely abhorrent research (or the lack of research) the author did on the country where the series is mostly set and other cultures and nationalities. I'm from Croatia so it hits close to home.
    The other issue is somethig that I've noticed in the parents' series and it just continued here- no mention of any kind of contraception or protection, not even a basic condom. This is not only irresponsible from the author but completely unrealistic. Are these girls actively trying to get pregnant? Also while I liked the BDSM in The Bully, there really should have been at least one scene where they talk about it and agree on some limits, safewords etc.

  10. If you're up for a trilogy of m/m romance you could read Layla reyne's agents Irish and whiskey series. It has a companion book that bridges the gap between that on and the spin off trilogy. So 7 books in total but you could just do the original 3

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