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  1. I know you said you had 2FA on and they hacked you. You need to enable 2FA WITH AN AUTHENTICATOR APP (Google has one) and NOT the wifi route. To be clear, if you're getting the security code via wifi (that's when the code is sent direct to your device and it appears in the form field where you need to type it) you need to stop using that method. The .exe file they get you to download has code in it that makes it so they can grab that security code. They can do this from anywhere in the world. If you use an authenticator app, the person trying to get the security code needs to actually be present alongside the device to receive the code. That's because the code delivered from the app changes every 20 seconds or so. You have to grab it and use it or it'll expire. Hope that helps anyone reading this.

  2. Please reply to me bro !
    i got a email from meta that my ad got a violation and i submit and appeal by giving the password aand they ask me for code too and i enter it. after some time , someone logged into my account and they enter their email into my account and created a meta account too , now im unable to remove them bcz the code is sending to their email. Plewase help me how do i remove their email

  3. Hi there! Almost 2 years ago this happened to me. So basically hacker somehow got access to my facebook account, changed my profile picture to get me suspended and removed me from my add acount. They spent a lot, for 2 days. Facebook refunded the money but still blocked me from having a business or ads acount. Till this day, i cant get it sorted out as they say its permantely blocked. I was using it more to boosts my instagram posts and now I cant even do that. Do you have any solution or sugetion? Thanks a lot

  4. How long did it take for you to get your ad-accounts back and money refunded. My accounts got also hacked and have been waiting for a month now, meta support says its taken care of but nothing is happening.

  5. hello,
    my facebook pages got hack from pakistan hackers..
    they login into my profile account and remove my admin access on my pages,
    can you help me get back my pages sir? thank you

  6. I tried everything to report the hacking and beg them to remove the debt from my account, but to no avail. Responses received from Meta Customer Service are automated responses and do not relate to real people. Facebook bots respond, which don't even understand your requests. So it's a dead race.

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  8. Outstanding time and effort went into this homecoming project. Sincere gratitude! EXPOSEGADGETS is an efficient, organized, and results-oriented team. Everything you've accomplished in your career is a result of your tenacity, diligence, and persistence. Thank you for your determination and perseverance.

  9. This work by EXPOSEGADGETS surpasses all standards of excellence. Accept my sincere gratitude! You are an extremely effective, organized, and goal-oriented individual. Thank you for the additional time and effort you spent obtaining her password for me. esteem each and every one of your efforts. Thank you for accomplishing this so independently.

  10. want to use this medium to appreciate the hard work you put in on every recovery of my account
    and to all the folks who recommended me to EXPOSEGADGETS my account back for me after my 25 days of trials and not having access

  11. Hey 👋 Niko

    Could you help with a Facebook issue, where I’ve lost admin control to my Facebook business page?

    I can post stuff onto my Facebook business page (via my Instagram) but I can’t edit anything on my Facebook business page; as I’ve lost admin?

    Also I can’t get into my meta business suite?

    I hope you can help please or let me know someone that can help please?

    Thank you 😊

  12. Not only did Kelvin_Ethics successfully recover my account, but he also took the time to educate me on essential security practices to prevent similar issues in the future. His commitment to ensuring the long-term security of my account was evident and greatly appreciated.

  13. Not only did Kelvin_Ethics successfully recover my account, but he also took the time to educate me on essential security practices to prevent similar issues in the future. His commitment to ensuring the long-term security of my account was evident and greatly appreciated.

  14. Please help me I am in the same situtation I tried to log in to my business meta suite today and i no longer have admin and someone else does I cannot remove them or anything, my fb account is not linked to it anymore so when i try and contact support i cant because nothing is linked, what do I do?

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