My Amaryllis Passion Grows! How to Plant, Propagate, & Rebloom Amaryllis Bulbs + Cut Amaryllis Tips!

My passion for amaryllis started as a young girl and the obsession has been growing ever since. My grandma always had a multitude of amaryllis blooming for the holidays. She would display some with houseplants, place single bulb pots in visitor’s bedrooms, and give dozens away as Christmas gifts.

When I first started growing amaryllis, I would purchase boxed grow kits from the local Tractor and Supply. These kits included dehydrated coco coir, a plastic pot, and a small amaryllis bulb. Generally, these small bulbs produced only one or two flowering stalks. But, as my passion for amaryllis grew, I started to invest in larger bulbs.

Amaryllis bulbs are sold in centimeters which is the measurement around the widest part of the bulb. I prefer to purchase 34/36 or 38/40 cm bulbs whenever possible. Larger bulbs will produce more flowers and have thicker, stronger stems than their smaller counterparts. Infact, I’ve had some 38 cm bulbs put out five flowering stems. These jumbo amaryllis bulbs are a full year older than smaller bulbs and will be slightly more expensive. In my opinion it’s completely worth the extra cost.

Most amaryllis bulbs come from Peru, South Africa, Brazil (Southern Hemisphere) or Holland (Northern Hemisphere). These bulbs naturally flower according to their country of origins calendar. Southern hemisphere bulbs are groomed for immediate performance and will bloom just 4-6 weeks after planting. You will often see these amaryllis listed as “Early Blooming” or “Christmas Flowering.”

However, amaryllis bulbs grown in the northern hemisphere (Holland) will generally bloom 8-12 weeks after planting. If you want to hold amaryllis bulbs, it’s best to use Northern Hemisphere bulbs.

Planting amaryllis bulbs is a fun, quick, and easy endeavor. Amaryllis bulbs prefer to be relatively tight in their pots so choose a container that’s approximately 2 inches wider than your bulb. A heavy container with a drainage hole will keep the display from toppling over and from becoming waterlogged.

Fill your container halfway full of high quality premoistened potting soil. Set the bulb on top the soil and fill in around the bulb with more potting soil leaving the top 1/3 of the bulb exposed.

After your bulbs are planted water around the perimeter bulb. Then keep the soil barely moist, applying approximately 1/2 cup of water per week. Place your pots in a warm area (68-70°F) with bright, indirect light and watch them grow and bloom!

Bonus Tip! A 2013 study by Cornell and Kansas State University concluded that soaking amaryllis roots in room temperature water for 12 hours prior to planting resulted in more rapid and uniform early leaf growth, and greater overall early vigor. Read the full study HERE.

Reblooming an amaryllis bulb for future holidays is easier than it sounds. As with other flower bulbs, amaryllis use their leaves to produce energy for next year’s flowers. If you want them to rebloom at a certain time you will need to control their calendar. To have your amaryllis flower again at Christmas follow these steps.

After blooming, grow your amaryllis as a houseplant for the rest of winter and spring. Give it plenty of light inside the home and keep it watered. After all danger of frost has passed move the pot outside for the summer. The bulb should stay dry, and the soil should be barely moist — never soggy. If your summers are wet, you may need to shield the pot from excessive rain.

In late summer, stop watering and move the potted bulb to a cool (50-55°F), dark, dry location. An unheated basement is ideal. The leaves will gradually wither as the plant goes dormant. Leave the bulb alone and don’t water them for 2-3 months.

After dormancy, bring the bulbs back into a warm area with bright light. Remove all the dead foliage, top dress the bulb with fresh soil, and water well to wake up the bulbs.

Amaryllis bulbs increase in diameter as they age and may need repotted every three to four years. To repot, remove the bulb from the container and gently shake off excess soil. Remove the dry scales and repot into the next size pot.

Ideally, you want to bring the bulbs out of dormancy 8-12 weeks before you want them to rebloom. Therefore, if you want an amaryllis to be in bloom on Christmas day you would put them into dormancy in August, take them out of dormancy in October, and they should rebloom in late December/early January. Naturally, there are variables, but this is the calendar that has given me the best success rate for subsequent holiday blooms.

**Desvendando o Encanto do Desenho “Ben e Holly”**

Nos reinos mágicos de Thornbury, a diversão e a aventura se entrelaçam em um cenário encantado habitado por seres extraordinários. Neste universo animado, crianças de todas as idades se encontram em meio a uma série de aventuras divertidas e cheias de lições valiosas. “Ben e Holly”, uma série de animação britânica, oferece uma jornada repleta de magia, amizade e imaginação, que tem cativado crianças e adultos em todo o mundo.

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Uma Introdução ao Mundo Encantado de “Ben e Holly”

“Ben e Holly” é uma série de animação infantil criada por Neville Astley e Mark Baker, os mesmos criadores de “Peppa Pig”, outra série animada muito popular. Transmitida pela primeira vez em 2009, “Ben e Holly” rapidamente conquistou os corações das crianças com sua narrativa mágica e personagens cativantes.

A série gira em torno das aventuras de dois jovens amigos: Ben Elf, um elfo jovem e aventureiro, e Holly Thistle, uma princesa com poderes mágicos. Juntos, eles exploram o reino mágico de Thornbury, onde encontram uma variedade de criaturas fantásticas, incluindo fadas, duendes, dragões e muito mais. Cada episódio leva os espectadores a uma nova aventura, ensinando importantes lições sobre amizade, respeito e trabalho em equipe ao longo do caminho.

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Personagens Memoráveis e Encantadores

O sucesso de “Ben e Holly” é em grande parte atribuído aos seus personagens carismáticos e distintos, cada um com sua própria personalidade e papel único na história. Aqui estão alguns dos personagens mais memoráveis da série:

**Ben Elf**: Um jovem e corajoso elfo que adora aventura e exploração. Ele é o melhor amigo de Holly e está sempre pronto para ajudar os outros.

**Holly Thistle**: Uma princesa com poderes mágicos, filha do Rei e da Rainha Thistle. Apesar de sua posição real, Holly é uma princesa humilde e gentil, que valoriza a amizade acima de tudo.

**Nanny Plum**: A fada madrinha de Holly, conhecida por sua magia poderosa e, às vezes, mal direcionada. Ela é responsável por cuidar de Holly e dos outros jovens moradores do reino mágico.

**Rei e Rainha Thistle**: Os pais amorosos de Holly, que governam o reino de Thornbury com sabedoria e bondade.

**Gaston**: Um caracol que pensa ser um dinossauro. Ele é o animal de estimação de Ben e Holly e está sempre pronto para ajudar em suas aventuras.

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Lições Aprendidas e Mensagens Transmitidas

Além de entreter os espectadores com suas aventuras mágicas, “Ben e Holly” também transmite importantes lições e mensagens para crianças de todas as idades. Algumas das mensagens-chave incluem:

**Amizade e Trabalho em Equipe**: A série enfatiza a importância da amizade e da cooperação, mostrando como Ben, Holly e seus amigos trabalham juntos para superar desafios e alcançar seus objetivos.

**Respeito pela Natureza e Pelos Outros**: “Ben e Holly” ensina às crianças a importância de respeitar a natureza e todas as criaturas vivas. Os personagens demonstram empatia e compaixão pelos outros, independentemente de sua aparência ou habilidades.

**Aceitação das Diferenças**: A série celebra a diversidade e ensina as crianças a valorizar as diferenças entre si e os outros. Os personagens de “Ben e Holly” vêm em todas as formas e tamanhos, mostrando que é a personalidade que realmente importa.

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O Legado Duradouro de “Ben e Holly”

Desde sua estreia, “Ben e Holly” conquistou uma base de fãs dedicada em todo o mundo e se tornou uma das séries de animação mais queridas para crianças pequenas. Sua combinação única de aventura, magia e humor cativou audiências de todas as idades e continua a encantar espectadores anos após ano.

Com personagens adoráveis, histórias envolventes e mensagens edificantes, “Ben e Holly” deixaram uma marca indelével no mundo da animação infantil. Seu legado duradouro é um testemunho do poder duradouro da imaginação e da magia para inspirar e entreter crianças de todas as idades.

assistir desenho ben e holly

My Amaryllis Passion Grows! How to Plant, Propagate, & Rebloom Amaryllis Bulbs + Cut Amaryllis Tips!
assistir desenho ben e holly
holly e ben
ben e holly personagens
ben i holly
ben e holly desenho
ben and holly
ben and holly in the little kingdom
ben e holly png

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  1. Cut Amaryllis in the vase lasting up to 3 weeks?? I find that hard to believe because even when they are left on the plant, they barely last one week before starting to wilt.
    Another practical issue for many home growers is that finding a spot that stays at around 60-55F in August is nearly impossible. I've always just left mine as is and reduce watering in the fall (indoors). Most of the leaves would die down but not all. Then, they would bloom around spring time. I always bought ones in bloom in December for instant gratification for the holiday season as I could not really find a way to force mine to bloom around the year end.

  2. Good day. I am getting ready to move from sunny Florida to Indiana. The middle of July. My bulbs have already bloomed and I need to know what to do. Do I cut the green part off and put them in a paper bag and save them till fall or do I put them separately now or in a big container and put them in the ground when I get to Indiana they are rather softball size bulbs and they've been in a large pot for approximately six or seven years, any information you could forward to me I would greatly appreciate it thank you in advance

  3. Great Accurate Advice. In Zones 8-11, like me between Austin and Houston Texas, the single varieties you can plant in the ground as the bulbs are mostly cold hardy (not the leaves or stems), and all varieties despite where they were grown will eventually bloom each spring with proper planting. The double flower stems may break in rain. Pick different varieties, they all seem to have their own bloom cycle, so you have different named varieties blooming throughout early, mid, and late spring. Groups of at least 3 of the same variety look best as they bloom together.

  4. It was mentioned that they do not need to go through forces dormancy but didn’t mention if I need to do anything special. Do I just treat like a house plant all year every year till they bloom again?

  5. Lubbers here in Florida devour my leaves every year and I never get an opportunity to enjoy the leaves or the flowers. One lubber will chew them down to the soil surface.
    They also devastate all of my Crinum.

  6. I bought an amaryllis with an unopened flower stem in Nov.

    My rookie mistake was to not bring it in and put it in cellar til Oct. I took it out in Dec. All I'm getting are long beautiful leaves. No flower stems, just 4 leaves. This year i will put it into dormancy in Aug. Hopefully that will correct it so I get flowers again. 🤔😉❤.

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