I'll Pack My Bags – Head Into Hyperspace

Eat vindaloo with the official app: https://www.patreon.com/botconline

Storyteller for this game: Ben Burns

It’s Cold Outside Character Sheet: https://www.bloodstar.xyz/p/bungeeman/Its_Cold_Outside/almanac.html

JSON: https://www.bloodstar.xyz/p/bungeeman/Its_Cold_Outside/script.json?756a6cd6

Join us for the streams over at https://www.twitch.tv/thepandemoniuminstitute

Find out more at https://bloodontheclocktower.com/

Intro visuals created by Jon from Luke & Dad Productions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgYQfeCc88p7vESb8nM3dQ

Intro music – Private Reflection by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Night Phase music – Time Passes by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Other music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio

This video was edited and exported entirely using Lightworks

0:00:00 – Intro & Setup
0:02:33 – Night 1
0:08:29 – Day 1
0:23:19 – Night 2
0:28:19 – Day 2
0:38:51 – Night 3
0:42:14 – Day 3

**Desvendando o Encanto do Desenho “Ben e Holly”**

Nos reinos mágicos de Thornbury, a diversão e a aventura se entrelaçam em um cenário encantado habitado por seres extraordinários. Neste universo animado, crianças de todas as idades se encontram em meio a uma série de aventuras divertidas e cheias de lições valiosas. “Ben e Holly”, uma série de animação britânica, oferece uma jornada repleta de magia, amizade e imaginação, que tem cativado crianças e adultos em todo o mundo.

assistir desenho ben e holly

Uma Introdução ao Mundo Encantado de “Ben e Holly”

“Ben e Holly” é uma série de animação infantil criada por Neville Astley e Mark Baker, os mesmos criadores de “Peppa Pig”, outra série animada muito popular. Transmitida pela primeira vez em 2009, “Ben e Holly” rapidamente conquistou os corações das crianças com sua narrativa mágica e personagens cativantes.

A série gira em torno das aventuras de dois jovens amigos: Ben Elf, um elfo jovem e aventureiro, e Holly Thistle, uma princesa com poderes mágicos. Juntos, eles exploram o reino mágico de Thornbury, onde encontram uma variedade de criaturas fantásticas, incluindo fadas, duendes, dragões e muito mais. Cada episódio leva os espectadores a uma nova aventura, ensinando importantes lições sobre amizade, respeito e trabalho em equipe ao longo do caminho.

assistir desenho ben e holly

Personagens Memoráveis e Encantadores

O sucesso de “Ben e Holly” é em grande parte atribuído aos seus personagens carismáticos e distintos, cada um com sua própria personalidade e papel único na história. Aqui estão alguns dos personagens mais memoráveis da série:

**Ben Elf**: Um jovem e corajoso elfo que adora aventura e exploração. Ele é o melhor amigo de Holly e está sempre pronto para ajudar os outros.

**Holly Thistle**: Uma princesa com poderes mágicos, filha do Rei e da Rainha Thistle. Apesar de sua posição real, Holly é uma princesa humilde e gentil, que valoriza a amizade acima de tudo.

**Nanny Plum**: A fada madrinha de Holly, conhecida por sua magia poderosa e, às vezes, mal direcionada. Ela é responsável por cuidar de Holly e dos outros jovens moradores do reino mágico.

**Rei e Rainha Thistle**: Os pais amorosos de Holly, que governam o reino de Thornbury com sabedoria e bondade.

**Gaston**: Um caracol que pensa ser um dinossauro. Ele é o animal de estimação de Ben e Holly e está sempre pronto para ajudar em suas aventuras.

assistir desenho ben e holly

Lições Aprendidas e Mensagens Transmitidas

Além de entreter os espectadores com suas aventuras mágicas, “Ben e Holly” também transmite importantes lições e mensagens para crianças de todas as idades. Algumas das mensagens-chave incluem:

**Amizade e Trabalho em Equipe**: A série enfatiza a importância da amizade e da cooperação, mostrando como Ben, Holly e seus amigos trabalham juntos para superar desafios e alcançar seus objetivos.

**Respeito pela Natureza e Pelos Outros**: “Ben e Holly” ensina às crianças a importância de respeitar a natureza e todas as criaturas vivas. Os personagens demonstram empatia e compaixão pelos outros, independentemente de sua aparência ou habilidades.

**Aceitação das Diferenças**: A série celebra a diversidade e ensina as crianças a valorizar as diferenças entre si e os outros. Os personagens de “Ben e Holly” vêm em todas as formas e tamanhos, mostrando que é a personalidade que realmente importa.

assistir desenho ben e holly

O Legado Duradouro de “Ben e Holly”

Desde sua estreia, “Ben e Holly” conquistou uma base de fãs dedicada em todo o mundo e se tornou uma das séries de animação mais queridas para crianças pequenas. Sua combinação única de aventura, magia e humor cativou audiências de todas as idades e continua a encantar espectadores anos após ano.

Com personagens adoráveis, histórias envolventes e mensagens edificantes, “Ben e Holly” deixaram uma marca indelével no mundo da animação infantil. Seu legado duradouro é um testemunho do poder duradouro da imaginação e da magia para inspirar e entreter crianças de todas as idades.

assistir desenho ben e holly

I'll Pack My Bags – Head Into Hyperspace
assistir desenho ben e holly
holly e ben
ben e holly personagens
ben i holly
ben e holly desenho
ben and holly
ben and holly in the little kingdom
ben e holly png

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  1. Probably been said multiple times but instead of going to sleep, they go into Stasis. There could then be a mechanic that causes a stasis leak which results in all but 3 players die similar to a boomdandy (aka Dave/Rimmer/Cat).

  2. I think Kryten could be changed to something like "each night*, you learn the number of steps from you to the nearest drunk or poisoned player. if no players are drunk or poisoned then you are drunk" that way Kryten would be somewhat good at finding droisoned players (narrow down to 2). but also their information isn't a guarantee because there could be none and the information is arbitrary anyways

  3. I've been working on a homebrew script since… the 16th of July 2023.

    The script as a whole still doesn't work, but I've managed to make a few roles that I'm happy with, that would work outside the script.

  4. Shouldn't the Vindaloo Beast poison the two players they learn? I thought that one of the reasons that Kryten learns if their neighbors are drunk or poisoned because the convention is that evil abilities poison and good abilities drunk?

  5. The Vind saying they are "drunk and safe from you" is a little weird mechanically, because if you are safe from the demon the demon doesn't affect you, which would mean drunk as well. I assume the intention is avoiding being killed by the demon

  6. Rez' Toaster info in night 3 would have been OP… but Sin's squid pick of JC was the killer, given that he was beer and picked Ri as his madness target. Sin probably wouldn't have chosen him, if she had known that JC is beer.

  7. Ugh, Homebrew. 😢

    I know there’s a whole community for it, but not my cup of tea, sorry. Too many people thinking they can just do in an evening, what Steven did over 10 years of thinking and testing.

    It’s fun, but it’s not Clocktower.

  8. Hm. Perhaps if the Vindaloo Beast starts earlier in the First Night order, to choose which characters are drunk before giving their information? Or one player chosen by the Beast, one by the gamemaster?

  9. Here's my attempt at phrasing the Vindaloo Beast's ability:

    Each night*, choose a player: they die. You start knowing 2 good players: they are safe from you, drunk, & are in a "group" with you. All players in the "group" can only die by execution if nominated by a player in the "group".

  10. I think there was a storyteller mistake during this game. Unless I'm mistaken Lyra should've woke on Night 3 to make another Minion or change themselves into a different Minion. Since it was a 10 player game it's a three Minion game and Mr. Flibble says, "(until there are enough Minions in play)".

  11. So, I have sleep-deprived thoughts on the Vindaloo Beast.
    I think that the Vindaloo Beast needs to stay in or Cat needs to change, otherwise there are no evils preventing death during the day. If you're going to change Kryten to clockwise-anticlockwise with no differentiation between drunk and poisoned, I think the Vindaloo Beast should stay as is for another round of playtesting, otherwise I think the Vindaloo Beast needs to have one of the following abilities, adjust as desired:
    "Each night, choose a player: They are poisoned and cannot die during the day. They die when you make your next choice. You act on the first night." Basically, spicy Pukka.
    "Each night*, choose a player: They die. You start by choosing two players, they are safe from you at night and neither of them or you can die by execution unless one of you nominated the other." In which case a Minion should get a poison ability, such as Mr Flibble getting an addendum of "Once the number of Minions for this game has been corrected, one of your living neighbors is poisoned." or significantly altering the Unspeakable one who is currently the only reason for two deaths on this script, for example.
    "Each night*, choose a player: They die. You start by learning two good players who are poisoned. While both of them are alive, neither you or them can die during the day unless one of you nominated the other." Basically allowing the Vindaloo Beast to nix their safety net in exchange for throwing good off the scent.

  12. One thing that makes the Vindaloo beast particularly rough is that Cat is actually an extremely risky bluff for the demon there. The fact that you can't be the one to nominate the neighbor makes you too easily distinguishable from a Cat, and even if you do manage to successfully bluff a Cat protection then you also reveal the location of a Beer. It's perhaps a passable minion bluff, but I don't think you'd want to reveal where Beered players are even then

  13. I thoroughly enjoy this script even though I have never seen Red Dwarf! It's fantastic to see the tweaks going on with the character mechanics. I feel like the Vindaloo beast still has a chance if other characters are altered as planned (nerfing Jim B a bit) and maybe another bit helping the Vindaloo mask a bit (maybe another character that prevents deaths in the night?). But perhaps now is not the time to really fiddle on it and work with other aspects in balancing

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