I gave up my Kindle… and I couldn’t be happier

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Vantagens Assinatura Kindle

Com uma assinatura Kindle da Amazon, os leitores têm acesso ilimitado a uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa fixa mensal. Esta assinatura oferece uma série de vantagens, incluindo:

1 Acesso Ilimitado: Os assinantes podem explorar milhares de títulos em diversos gêneros, incluindo best-sellers, clássicos da literatura e obras de novos autores, sem restrições de quantidade.

Conveniência: Os eBooks e audiolivros podem ser baixados instantaneamente para dispositivos Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, permitindo aos leitores desfrutarem de sua leitura em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, mesmo offline.

2 Economia: Em comparação com a compra individual de cada título, a assinatura Kindle oferece uma opção mais econômica para os leitores ávidos, permitindo-lhes desfrutar de uma ampla gama de conteúdos por uma taxa mensal fixa.

3 Variedade: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited oferece uma variedade incomparável de títulos, garantindo que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses, desde romances e suspense até não-ficção e literatura infantil.

4 Atualizações e Novidades: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited é constantemente atualizada com novos lançamentos e adições, garantindo que os assinantes sempre tenham acesso aos títulos mais recentes e populares.


Desvendando o Kindle Unlimited: Uma Análise Completa da Assinatura Literária da Amazon

Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia tem revolucionado muitos aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a maneira como consumimos literatura. Com a ascensão dos dispositivos digitais, como o Kindle da Amazon, a experiência de leitura nunca foi tão conveniente e acessível. E dentro deste ecossistema literário, destaca-se o Kindle Unlimited, uma assinatura que oferece acesso a milhares de eBooks por uma taxa fixa mensal. Neste artigo, exploraremos em detalhes o que é o Kindle Unlimited, como funciona, seu preço, e se vale a pena investir nessa plataforma.

O que é o Kindle Unlimited?

O Kindle Unlimited é um serviço de assinatura oferecido pela Amazon que permite aos usuários acessarem uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa mensal fixa. Compatível com diversos dispositivos, incluindo o Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, o serviço proporciona aos amantes da leitura uma maneira conveniente de explorar uma ampla gama de títulos sem a necessidade de adquiri-los individualmente.

Como Funciona o Kindle Unlimited?

O funcionamento do Kindle Unlimited é simples e intuitivo. Após se inscrever na plataforma, os assinantes têm acesso instantâneo a milhares de títulos disponíveis no catálogo do serviço. Eles podem navegar, selecionar e baixar quantos livros desejarem, com a capacidade de manter até 10 títulos em seu dispositivo ao mesmo tempo. Quando desejarem, os usuários podem devolver os eBooks e audiolivros baixados para liberar espaço e adicionar novos itens à sua biblioteca virtual.

Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

Vale a Pena Investir no Kindle Unlimited?

A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

I gave up my Kindle… and I couldn’t be happier

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  1. Greg at another bibliophile reads recommends library thing as a Goodreads alternative. I hadn't heard of that website, but apparently it's run by librarians, and it's free without advertising, and it has a huge database. It doesn't have the features Story Graph has like stats and challenges and stuff, but the database is much bigger than Story Graph, apparently. So I'm definitely giving Library Thing a closer look as I read a lot of older books.

  2. Yes, I've noticed that with other companies as well. First, they are great and then they start making things worse because they want to sell something. Take for example Google, they made advertising more and more important and now searching with Google is just not fun anymore. So I now use Duck Duck Go which I find an excellent search engine. I notice the same with other things, mostly software. First it's free and it's really great then they make a free version and a subscription version, and they make the free version just terrible to use in the hope you will take a far too expensive subscription.

  3. I left Kindle behind with a different e-reader early last year. My Kindle was a very early model with the little round keys and the operating system got phased out. I went looking for a new e-reader and ended up with a Boox Leaf2 but still have the old Kindle account. If I need to buy off Amazon I send it to the Kindle with their 'load with USB' link, then take that file from my downloads on the desktop and Calibre can de-DRM it and swap it to epub. And that gets loaded to the Boox.

  4. I just discovered your channel and have been binge watching all evening. Thank you so much for all of your content, your love of reading, and congrats on giving up your Kindle. I prefer having books in hand, but since I'm running out of space lol, I'm going to look into getting a Kobo or another type e-reader. If anyone can recommend something that is reasonably priced please do. I just checked online for some prices and yikes.

  5. I don't have any ereaders, but been leaning towards getting a Kobo Sage to read some of the ebooks and manga titles i've gotten from cheap humblebundles and fanatical bundles

  6. Olly, I’m curious about library ebooks in your location, where I am I can’t use my kindle for library books so am considering getting a non kindle eReader for that reason, I have already got my library in Calibre so I’m not too worried about that side of it. In some places library apps are affiliated with Kindle. I’ve only just started to see people reviewing and sharing other e-readers other than kindle and kobo which is very interesting to me. (I’m in Australia)

  7. You make some really good points. I too am trying to move away from the Kindle system, but find that some books are cheaper on Kindle. In the past I saw a comment that Kobo would possibly price match. I haven’t tried this but I suppose it is another way to move away from Kindle.

  8. I have to say I love my old-school original Kindle. There’s something about its compact size and weight/feel that gives me real satisfaction – it’s like a magical paperback. I may try other e-readers down the line – wouldn’t mind having a bigger reader for graphic novels, etc – but I do enjoy the convenience of being connected to the Amazon store and Goodreads, and I’m not really bothered by the fact that Amazon dominates the market. They offer great prices and service, IMHO.

  9. I've been thinking about this as well. I think I finally figured out what I'm getting myself for Christmas. 🙂 Thank you very much for sharing your perspective. It's helpful. God bless.

  10. Doesn't the fact that you bought those Kindle books at bargain prices and then removed the digital security cause you issues? Your stance would be more 'moral' if you deleted all those Amazon cheapos.

  11. The majority of what I use my Kindle for are library borrows and I'm thrilled with it from that aspect since I'm down to one book store splurge a year. I don't imagine myself ever heavily purchasing Kindle books again.

    I should probably keep Kobo in mind.

  12. KIndle is one of the few positive things about Amazon, at least for me. I've saved a lot of money and not sure what the advertisement issue is?…so I'm kind of confused. I mean if you hate Amazon as a huge corporation then yes, I guess that's a reason to boycott kindle, but sorry I don't think the other reasons given really apply in any major way. If it's Amazon being too powerful that is getting to you, I get that. Bashing kindle app using non-issues seems a little bit sour grape vibe.

  13. Hi. I'm considering purchasing a Kobo Libra Color tablet. Where would you suggest I go to learn the steps to follow to transfer my kindle ebooks.

    I guess it's download the books, make the DRM free then transfer onto the Kindo? I initially did a search on what to do and there are so many hits, I'm not sure who's best to follow.

    Any advice given would be very much appreciated. Please consider that I'm not THAT computer savy, so I'll need something easy to follow.

    Thanks again. 😊😊

  14. I've backed up my Kindle books with Calibre too, but I haven't taken the final step of actually getting a Kobo (or other e-reader). It's definitely something I intend to do eventually though, I'm glad it's working so well for you. And now you've got me making a Storygraph account too!

  15. For the most part, I use my Kobo or Boox devices for a lot of the same reasons. I have only come across one problem in one series where the book isn't syncing and the table of contents is missing, so I can't jump to the chapter I'm reading. I had to go back to using my Kindle or the app for this series. I'm hoping it doesn't do it again in the next series since it's the same author. It didn't do it in the last series of his that I read. Not huge, just annoying.

  16. Im sorry but dropping Kindles because Amazon is too big alone is ludicrous. What exactly does this mean? They have by far the largest ebook store in the world. Is that bad? Yes, they advertise to sell more ebooks. How does that impinge on your enjoyment of what you are currently reading? Focus on what you are doing and this is a non issue. 

    If you want to grow your YouTube views how about saying something worth reading. Complaining about Amazon on a Google app is ridiculous. (Talk about user abuse Alphabet is a god).. Maybe you should focus on how other ebook readers are superior (If in fact, they are – including their bookstore.).

  17. I'm enjoying my Kobo(s). I have two color devices, the Libra (which I use for book series) and the Clara (that I use for stand-alone novels). They're really nice, both in UI and general reading experience. Slowly working on backing up all of my Kindle books and transferring them via Calibre.

  18. If you haven't already, I would enjoy a piece on how you use Calibre to repurpose the books you have on your Kindles. I'm tempted to switch, too, but am intimidated by the prospect of transferring my several hundred titles.

  19. I've also moved from Kindle to my new Kobo Libra Colour and I'm really enjoying reading on it. I use different colour highlights for quotes, dialogue, character and plot. I've moved quite a lot of my (995!) Kindle books via Calibre to my Kobo. What I really enjoy is linking Libby to it, so I can read and annotate my Library Bookclub titles easily on my Kobo.

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