Kindle paperwhite 2022 review | HONEST one month review

In today’s video, I share my honest review of the kindle paperwhite 2022 after having used it for the past month! I hope you enjoy …

Vantagens Assinatura Kindle

Com uma assinatura Kindle da Amazon, os leitores têm acesso ilimitado a uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa fixa mensal. Esta assinatura oferece uma série de vantagens, incluindo:

1 Acesso Ilimitado: Os assinantes podem explorar milhares de títulos em diversos gêneros, incluindo best-sellers, clássicos da literatura e obras de novos autores, sem restrições de quantidade.

Conveniência: Os eBooks e audiolivros podem ser baixados instantaneamente para dispositivos Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, permitindo aos leitores desfrutarem de sua leitura em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, mesmo offline.

2 Economia: Em comparação com a compra individual de cada título, a assinatura Kindle oferece uma opção mais econômica para os leitores ávidos, permitindo-lhes desfrutar de uma ampla gama de conteúdos por uma taxa mensal fixa.

3 Variedade: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited oferece uma variedade incomparável de títulos, garantindo que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses, desde romances e suspense até não-ficção e literatura infantil.

4 Atualizações e Novidades: A biblioteca do Kindle Unlimited é constantemente atualizada com novos lançamentos e adições, garantindo que os assinantes sempre tenham acesso aos títulos mais recentes e populares.


Desvendando o Kindle Unlimited: Uma Análise Completa da Assinatura Literária da Amazon

Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia tem revolucionado muitos aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a maneira como consumimos literatura. Com a ascensão dos dispositivos digitais, como o Kindle da Amazon, a experiência de leitura nunca foi tão conveniente e acessível. E dentro deste ecossistema literário, destaca-se o Kindle Unlimited, uma assinatura que oferece acesso a milhares de eBooks por uma taxa fixa mensal. Neste artigo, exploraremos em detalhes o que é o Kindle Unlimited, como funciona, seu preço, e se vale a pena investir nessa plataforma.

O que é o Kindle Unlimited?

O Kindle Unlimited é um serviço de assinatura oferecido pela Amazon que permite aos usuários acessarem uma vasta biblioteca de eBooks, audiolivros e revistas por uma taxa mensal fixa. Compatível com diversos dispositivos, incluindo o Kindle e aplicativos Kindle em smartphones e tablets, o serviço proporciona aos amantes da leitura uma maneira conveniente de explorar uma ampla gama de títulos sem a necessidade de adquiri-los individualmente.

Como Funciona o Kindle Unlimited?

O funcionamento do Kindle Unlimited é simples e intuitivo. Após se inscrever na plataforma, os assinantes têm acesso instantâneo a milhares de títulos disponíveis no catálogo do serviço. Eles podem navegar, selecionar e baixar quantos livros desejarem, com a capacidade de manter até 10 títulos em seu dispositivo ao mesmo tempo. Quando desejarem, os usuários podem devolver os eBooks e audiolivros baixados para liberar espaço e adicionar novos itens à sua biblioteca virtual.

Kindle Unlimited: Preço e Opções de Assinatura

Um dos atrativos do Kindle Unlimited é sua acessibilidade. A Amazon oferece diferentes opções de assinatura para atender às necessidades e orçamentos dos usuários. O preço padrão da assinatura mensal varia dependendo da região, mas geralmente oferece um excelente custo-benefício para os leitores ávidos. Além disso, a Amazon frequentemente disponibiliza promoções especiais, como o tão comentado Kindle Unlimited por $1.99, permitindo que novos usuários experimentem o serviço a um preço bastante acessível.

Vale a Pena Investir no Kindle Unlimited?

A decisão de investir no Kindle Unlimited depende das preferências e hábitos de leitura de cada pessoa. Para aqueles que consomem uma grande quantidade de eBooks e audiolivros regularmente, a assinatura mensal pode representar uma economia significativa em comparação à compra individual de cada título. Além disso, a variedade de gêneros e autores disponíveis no catálogo do Kindle Unlimited garante que haja algo para todos os gostos e interesses.

Por outro lado, para leitores ocasionais ou aqueles que preferem possuir cópias físicas de seus livros favoritos, o Kindle Unlimited pode não ser a melhor opção. Nesses casos, a compra individual de eBooks pode ser mais vantajosa a longo prazo.


O Kindle Unlimited é mais do que apenas uma assinatura de eBooks; é uma porta de entrada para um mundo de histórias e conhecimento, disponíveis ao toque de um botão. Com sua vasta biblioteca, preços acessíveis e conveniência inigualável, o serviço representa uma maneira inovadora e acessível de explorar o universo da literatura digital. Então, se você é um ávido leitor em busca de uma experiência de leitura sem limites, o Kindle Unlimited pode ser exatamente o que você procura.

Kindle paperwhite 2022 review | HONEST one month review

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kindle unlimited $1 99
kindle unlimited como funciona

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  1. I agree with KU so much!!! Like it seem to be a really popular feature but i found almost zero to no book tht i wanna read on it. If it continues to be this way I’d probably dont continue my subscription when my free trial end

  2. I purchased a clear case and a screen protector for my kindle. They protect it from damage, dirt, and fingerprints while allowing visibility of the stickers I placed on the back. I also have a thin pop socket. 😊

  3. I have a paperwhite that I got for Christmas 2015 and I did pay to remove the ads…. but it was a one time fee. I don't remember what it was, I'm sure it has gone up. The 2015 paperwhite is basically the base model they have now, screen size and everything. It's still going strong. I use it every day and the battery life is still great. I have contemplated upgrading to the new paperwhite because it's water proof but it's hard to justify the upgrade since it still works great.

  4. Two things of note 1) Canadian Kindles don't have the adds in them, so nothing to turn off. 2) some of the items you mention like turning it on and not showing the book cover can be fixed by using a cover it turns the device on and off nicely and hides the book you're reading, I consider it a must have!

  5. Hi, I just wanted to tell you, that if you text Amazon customer service, they can remove your ads for free. I did it a Gees days ago, and now I can have my book cover as the lock screen❤

  6. Hi is reading on dark mode with lowest brightness works, as I am planning to get kindle basic, and it doesnt have warm light, also I see no point to have lights and then adjust warm lights to make it tinted.

  7. to remove the ads there is a 1 time cost but if you contact support and ask them to remove them for you they sometimes will if you got a lot of books off them. My old kindle i contacted them about the ads and they were nice enough to remove them for free for me. My new kindle came without ads

  8. It has lag and there is no fix because it is not a phone. The processor inside the Kindle isn't the same as the ones they put in phones . It is an E ink device which has only one purpose. Reading books. So making it as fast as your phone will just make your Kindle's battery to drain much more quickly. Since you haven't owned any previous Kindle, I can definitely tell you that it is much snappier than previous models. It is just something you need to get used to since you are coming from reading on a phone.

  9. Thank you for the review I enjoyed it very much. I use ebook reader pen, so I dont have any fingerprints. Sometimes there is some dust on it but I clean it with microfiber cloth or with a blanket. Libby and kindle unlimited isnt working in my country. If you have a cover you don't have to see the ads.

  10. For slow loading, you can turn off power saving in Settings – Device Options – Advanced Options – Power Saver. It will drain the battery more, but the book will turn on faster. Personally, I use the Power Saver because I don't mind waiting a couple seconds. And if I turned off the book only recently, it turns on fast.
    Ads indeed can be easily turned off by contacting Amazon support. I did that twice, for myself and my brother. I'm in Russia and can't use Amazon offers anyway, so that's what I told the support, and they were very nice and just turned off the ads immediately. You can say you got your kindle as a gift and don't like the ads. Anyway, if it doesn't work, you can just start another chat with support and get to talk to another person.

  11. I don’t think you mentioned “Vocabulary Builder”. When you’re in a book, go to the menu and select “Vocabulary Builder” and it makes Flashcards of the words you looked up. So when you finish a book you can review the words to make sure you learned them!

  12. I used my Christmas money to get a kindle and I absolutely love it! I have no regrets…I have a four year old barnes and noble nook that's old and keeps crashing. I can still use it if I want to read a book on there that I already own but I honestly prefer the kindle, the kindle just has such a better selection. I used to read a lot of YA, which the nook was great for, but the kindle is better for reading adult romance and darker romance I feel like, especially because of kindle unlimited! I also love how the kindle feels in my hands…it's just so light! I loved your review of this, I definitely think it's spot on! Also, I use the libby app with it too and it's great.

  13. This is a very balanced review. Thank you. Thank you, also for turning me onto the Libby app. You learn something every day. Just a couple of FYIs: Glare won't be a problem outside. You can angle the screen so the glare isn't in your face, but changing the angle doesn't affect readability. Also… Kindle doesn't do page numbers, because the amount a text per page differs with font size.

  14. Hey great video. ☺️

    A couple of things.

    1 The ads you can remove the ads for free by asking amazon in the customer service. I asked and they did it for me.

    2. If you touch the bottom left hand corner you can change through the time, page and time left in chapter x

  15. It's actually a 1 time fee to remove the ads! It's 20 dollars, and they disappear, which was totally worth it because some of the ads were 😳 and having people see them is really, really embarrassing sometimes

  16. I asked for the kindle for Xmas just because I knew I didn’t want to spend the money if I didn’t like it lol. I didn’t set it up until 3 months later in 2022 but as soon as I did I fell in love! Don’t get me wrong physical books will always have my ❤ but I def enjoy the portability of the kindle

  17. Great review! I have a few comments about your cons. Regarding speed, that's mostly just the nature of eink. The refresh rate for eink devices is very slow. On some eink devices you can change the refresh type to make it faster but it results in a lot of ghosting. Kindles don't let you make this kind of change. So, while it is slower than say your phone, from an eink perspective, the Kindles are some of the best in terms of reducing the ghosting that can occur (remnants of previous pages showing on current page). Regarding KU, I have a couple of suggestions. I've learned not to search for a book I want to read to see if it's in KU. That will only be frustrating. What I do instead is look at the list of most popular KU books and start choosing my next KU read from there. I've found so many books, and new series for that matter, that I end up really liking. Finally, if you find that you like KU, purchase the 2 year subscription when they are on sale like during Prime Day. I'm on my second 2 year subscription and am still able to find books that I like from the service.

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