Why use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible?

Dr. Hovind explains why the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is the actual preserved Word of God in the English language. He also points out many omissions and errors in the other versions of the Bible.

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**Explorando o Universo da Bíblia Online: Uma Viagem Pelas Suas Versões e Recursos**

A Bíblia Sagrada é mais do que um livro; é uma fonte de sabedoria espiritual e orientação para milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Com o avanço da tecnologia, a Bíblia online tornou-se uma ferramenta valiosa para aqueles que desejam estudar, meditar e aplicar os ensinamentos contidos nela em suas vidas diárias.


**A Diversidade das Versões:**

Uma das características mais notáveis da Bíblia online é a variedade de versões disponíveis para os leitores. Desde a tradicional Bíblia Sagrada até versões mais contemporâneas, como a King James e a NVI, cada uma oferece uma perspectiva única dos ensinamentos bíblicos. A Bíblia online NVI, por exemplo, é conhecida por sua linguagem acessível e clara, tornando-a uma escolha popular para estudos individuais e em grupos.

**Recursos para o Estudo Profundo:**

Para aqueles que desejam aprofundar seu entendimento da Bíblia, as Bíblias de estudo são uma ferramenta indispensável. Equipadas com notas explicativas, mapas, cronogramas e referências cruzadas, essas versões facilitam a compreensão dos contextos históricos, culturais e teológicos dos versículos. A Bíblia de Estudo Thomas Nelson, por exemplo, é amplamente reconhecida por sua abordagem abrangente e informativa.


**Atendendo a Diferentes Públicos:**

A diversidade não se limita apenas às versões da Bíblia, mas também aos públicos que elas atendem. A Bíblia Infantil, com suas ilustrações coloridas e linguagem simples, cativa os corações das crianças desde tenra idade, introduzindo-as aos ensinamentos sagrados de uma maneira acessível e envolvente. Enquanto isso, a Bíblia Feminina oferece reflexões e estudos voltados especificamente para as necessidades espirituais das mulheres, abordando temas relevantes para suas vidas.

**Explorando a Bíblia Online:**

A busca por conhecimento na biblioteca sagrada online é uma jornada enriquecedora e edificante. Através de simples buscas por palavras-chave como “Bíblia online” ou “Bíblia de estudo”, os estudiosos podem acessar uma vasta gama de recursos, incluindo versículos específicos, comentários, e até mesmo versões em áudio para aqueles que preferem ouvir a palavra de Deus.


**Além das Fronteiras Religiosas:**

Embora a Bíblia seja frequentemente associada ao Cristianismo, suas mensagens transcendem fronteiras religiosas e culturais. A Bíblia Hebraica, por exemplo, é reverenciada pelos judeus como a palavra de Deus, enquanto a Bíblia Sagrada Católica inclui livros adicionais que não estão presentes em outras versões. Essa diversidade reflete a riqueza e a profundidade dos ensinamentos contidos na Bíblia, que continuam a inspirar e transformar vidas em todo o mundo.



Em suma, a Bíblia online é muito mais do que uma simples ferramenta de leitura; é um tesouro de sabedoria espiritual que está ao alcance de todos. Com suas diversas versões e recursos de estudo, ela oferece uma jornada de descoberta e crescimento para aqueles que buscam uma conexão mais profunda com a palavra de Deus.

Why use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible?
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  1. I think this man is a great teacher and Christian, but some food for thought.

    This is from the translators' notes of the NET

    The third person plural pronominal suffix on the verb is masculine, referring back to the "oppressed" and "needy" in v.5 (both of those nouns are plural in form), suggesting that the verb means "protect" here. The suffix does not refer to "words" in v. 6, because that term is feminine gender.

    Right or wrong, the modern translations didn't mess up this verse by accident, they made a conscious decision to correct it, in their judgment. We can't learn the original language, but we can hear from people who do.

    I love the KJV and am not a fan of the NIV, but my personal opinion is to be open and do research when it comes to discrepancies. I think it's fine to only read KJV, but I always remind myself that it's not the medium that matters. It's the Word.

  2. Wescott & Hort lied to the committee that appointed them 🤷‍♂️ not only lied about what they were doing as per making changes and the scope of their appointment, but lied about the changes they were making in the Greek and they lied about their orthodoxy saying they were Anglican but in secret they were Catholic and converted to Catholicism afterwards. Liars. This is what all the versions except the KJV is based on. Gnostic McConnell and Catholic liars Wescott and Hort who completely changed the Greek text🤷‍♂️

  3. The reason for Satan to change days to ages is God says His Sign is the Sabbath Ex 31:16,17 and Antichrist’s mark is Sunday.🤷‍♂️ Daniel 7:25 🤷‍♂️ God says explicitly 8x in the OT and NT His Sign & Seal is the Sabbath and Torah. Duet 6:8 Jer 31:33 several times in in Ex Ez Mal twice in Rev 🤷‍♂️

  4. Tischendorf lied about his finding of the Sinaiticus. The monks themselves said he lied and sever years later Tischendorf conspired with some Russians who stole the rest of the Sinaiticus mss. The real author of the e Sinaiticus came forward and he had witnesses who said the author showed us this years ago. It wasn’t an ancient mss.

  5. In examples you quote they are saying same message, but you're not giving entire context of verses , maybe show couple verses before, and see it's same meaning. But KJV isn't entirely flawless, since that in itself was interpreted into medieval English from Koine Greek and Latin and Hebrew and from sentences that had no phrasing no paragraphs and indeed ancient sentence structures that were made to fit into what the editors considered appropriate.

  6. @Soundararajan Daniel: Are you sane, Mate? Or you have severe problems in grasping the English language?
    How sane could you be to blindly assert something that has a swarm of fallacies and even blasphemies?

    Herebelow I reiterate the controversies in this beloved Teddybear of yours specially for you.

    1.. Genesis 22;1 the KJV says: "And after these things God did tempt Abraham". Now, does God really tempt a person? Is God involved in the business of temptation? When even in KJV in The Epistle of James in the N.T. it is explicitly indicated: "for God tempts no one, neither is tempted by evil…" So how come, then, the KJV translators depict God as the tempter in the O.T. and speak well of God Almighty the way it duly becomes of Him in the New one? Does God change????????????????????? WHO, what creature is in the business of tempting people? Is it not satan?

    In contrast, The Geneva Bible reads: "And after these things God did PROVE Abraham" which I believe is the TRUE and correct conveyance from the Hebrew original. The terms "TEMPT" and "PROVE" are never synonyms! I hope you would kindly agree with it . God NEVER tempts anyone, God TESTS us, but NEVER tempts – the business of tempting belongs to satan and his demons (Luke 4:1-4)

    .2. Genesis 15:6 "And Abraham believed in God and God credited it to him as righteousness". Good grief… didn't Abraham commence to believing IN God since the very inception when God called out to him in Genesis chapter 12 to "leave his country and his people and go to the land God was about to show Abraham"? Did not Abraham believe in God's existence back then? According to the Book of Jasher, Abraham was considered to be the disciple of Noah. And, using Noah, God had been in the thorough process of teaching and guiding Abraham in all things. Therefore, before Abraham had ever reached Genesis chapter 15, he already was in cognition of God, doubtlessly being aware of His entire existence!

    In contrast The Geneva Bible signifies lucidly in Genesis 15:6 that. "Abraham BELIEVED The Lord" (not IN the Lord)! And there is also a reference to this verse in Hebrews quoting this verse without "IN"!

    3. Psalm 24:6 the KJV says: "of those who seek your face, O Jacob". Now a question, WHOSE face it's deemed for everyone to seek? The face of God, or the face of Jacob, who himself was the one who sought God and prayed to Him?

    In contrast, The Geneva Bible says in this verse: "of those who seek your face, this is Jacob" which appears t be the paramount pertinent, intrinsic and lucid one due to its palpable logically reasonable consistence.

    4. In N.T. in The Book of Acts chapter 14 it is being narrated about the Passover taking place in the days of Unleavened Bread with king Herod killing Apostle James with the sword and "because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also". The KJV names this period as "The Easter" which can by no means be attributed to this Glorious Event ! But much rather, easter is a revelry-boozing,impurity-cracking pagan feast which was totally illegal in Israel under the penalty of the participants being stoned to death! In contrast, The Geneva Bible puts THE CORRECT TERM to this Event: "The Passover" instead of this negligibly obscure term "ester".

    5. 1 Samuel chapter 16 verse 14, where the KJV puts it, that "The Spirit of The Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit of The Lord vexed him". A grievous insult upon The Lord again! Do evil spirits co-exist in the Lord"s Kingdom?

    In contrast, the Geneva Bible translated it this way: "and an evil spirit SENT of The Lord, vexed him "(emphasis mine). THIS word SENT makes a bombastic, mind-blowing difference indeed. It clearly points out, that The Lord is Sovereign in the Universe, commanding everyone and everything He deems necessary to, for the purpose of carrying out His Sovereign Will!

    6. Isaiah 60:1, KJV "Arise, shine. For thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

    Can anyone perspiciously explicate WHO is being addressed here? WHOM is all this speech conveyed to?

    The Geneva Bible says it clearly: "Arise, O Jrusalem, be bright. For thy light is come. And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee". Here the subject is at face salience. It is Jerusalem that the emphasis is focused upon.

    7. Mark 16:18 " They shall take up serpents (KJV). Sorry… what is the point for the disciples to take up serpents? Were they disciples meant to caress the serpents like babies in their arms? Does it make any sense?

    In contrast, the Geneva Bible is crystal clear about it: "And they shall take away serpents".

    "Take up" and "Take away' are not one and same peas in a pod! It is a different story altigether. And it is paramount evident that the "Take away" option is more relevant here, because it emphatically and robustly corroborates what The Lord told the disciples: "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and nothing shall, by any means hurt you". .

    8. John 3:36, KJV: "He that believeth the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath abideth on him

    John 3:36 )Geneva) "He that believeth the Son hath everlasting life, and he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath abideth on him" .

    So these are just a few facts of distorted translation which are clear and evident to making a point and difference as to what Bible version is worthy of trust and reliance on.

  7. I was guided to the new american standard Bible in 1989 and then finally found a good translation, the Legacy Standard Bible. When people say things are omitted, well they are not. So to say ' omitted in the other versions of the Bible' is simply not true. They are always present, between brackets., same with 'and fasting' is never left out. These texts are not found in the early (closer to the original) manuscripts, they were added later, probably by scribes. There are only copies. If you only had the kjv then don't tell lies about other translations. Naughty. The King james is just a very old translation, but for some it has unfortunately become an idol. Certain words you simply can't look up in a dictionary any longer because the meaning has totally changed. You will never find that meaning in a dictionary. I tried the kjv.

    All Bibles contain the 'actual preserved Words of God'. All Bibles are just a translation. When you translate you try to get as close to the original text as possible, but it is not the same. The preserved Word is in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. The best New Testament translation is in The New Greek/English Interlinear New Testament. Not in the kjv.

  8. I like the King James but I also know it's weaknesses Deuteronomy 32:8 and 9 is dramatically different in the King James than the newer translations that have older material that was not changed by the Jewish scribes if you look at the Septuagint LXX and or the ESV or NRSV you will notice there's a Big change the King James translation doesn't make any sense logically seeing how Israel wasn't a people and they never governed anybody outside of Israel

  9. Imagine thinking the KJV partially translated from the Vulgate is the only correct version of the Bible in 2024 lol
    Also his copyright point is so misguided haha.

  10. I see in the comments people are saying “them” is referring to the people. False. Not completely accurate.

    Psalms 12:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
    (To the chief Musician upon Sheminith, A Psalm of David.) Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.
    They SPEAK vanity every one with his neighbour: with FLATTERING LIPS and with a double heart do they SPEAK.
    The LORD shall cut off all FLATTERING LIPS, and the TONGUE that SPEAKETH proud things:
    Who have SAID, With our TONGUE will we prevail; our LIPS are our own: who is lord over us?
    For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him.
    The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
    Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
    The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.

    The “full context” isn’t just that God would preserve his people. The context of verse 6 is that you can trust what the Lord is saying in verse 5 because unlike those speaking in verses 2-4 you can trust the Lord’s promise because his WORDS are pure.

  11. I am a Christian but I don't understand why some of my fellow Christians fear the idea of aliens? Since 2017 till now we have learned the government admits UFOs are real, we also now know they have even recovered non human technology, even in tact craft and bodies, this is basically proven and soon will be accepted as facts. So us christians must accept truth and accept that we are not alone in the universe, that God has children on many planets many dimensions. I hear many christian friends say they are demons or angels, or spiritual manifestations … However the fact we have physical technology not from earth shows these are solid real physical beings. So why the fear ?

  12. As regards Psalm 12, neither the KJV nor the NIV are wrong. You are in reading that passage that way. The promise of the Lord is to keep His covenant people safe and His word is pure as regards His promise. It has nothing to do with Bible translation.

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