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  1. The bottom line is Google sucks. They own everything including utube so they can sensor you and charge you for services that you never signed up for. Don’t be Evil… that was Googles original campaign slogan. I guess that’s what happens when you’re controlled by the CIA or maybe Google actually controls the CIA…

  2. They ran a campaign for me without my permission and now I'm out over a hundred bucks and didn't get anything for it.
    But what pisses me off is they make it nearly impossible to cancel it so as far as I'm concerned, they are thieves stealing my money.
    F you google!

  3. My son is 16 and somehow he has a google ads account and has been charged advertising for a wine bar – Google was of no help whatsoever – How on earth do they get away with this!!!!!

  4. Hello!I just need a help! My account is cancelled and i can't be reactivated, problem is that i can't pay for my campaine…So i don't know what happend why is closed and what can i do ?? Do you have some informations

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