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  1. Hi i was wondering if you could help me i recently did my 1st paid advert to get more people to my page. Before doing the add i was getting on average 5+ likes per day after the add finished its as if my page doesn't exist? Im not sure what to do now

  2. Yes of course using advantage placements + will get you cheaper cost per conversion but in my case, although I get more quantity leads but on the other hand in terms of quality leads are worse. I analyzed that the audience network give you bad leads so that's why I excluded the audience network and kept using manual placements.

  3. Bro, what can I do? My Facebook Ad cost is increasing day by day? It performed excellently the first day! Then, as day goes on, it decreases and the Ad cost increases.. it used to be around #60 (Nigeria currency) per messages… Now it's around #130 per messages conversion

  4. Ben, your videos have helped our small cleaning business launch our first facebook ads and get good results. Cannot thank you enough. Now my ads are running. If I want to change the existing ads into advantage placement, sounds like I should create new ads, but should I pause the old one or keep it running?

  5. Hi Ben! What do you think for a local service based business to run an awareness campaign with omnipresent strategy ?

    And Should the bid strategy select highest volume or bid cap?

  6. Hi Mr Ben, just one question regarding your service "done for you".
    What is minimum budget for coaching business (Low cost paid Webinar Registration) and weekly target is 450 – 500 registrations..
    Your budget is only relevent for UK market and its way too high..

  7. Hi Ben, you’re doing an excellent work. I’ve been a beneficiary of your videos since I started running ads. Thank you so much! Please, I have a quick clarification to make which is, I want to run a book cover design agency. Please which ads objective would you recommend?

  8. Ive found using auto placements gives me bad clicks, facebook feeds seem to be highest quality, most expensive but highest quality… Its for a local roofing company what are your thoughts im used to just doing manaul facebook feeds only…

  9. We ran conversion ads for two different products. Two different ad sets targeting the same audience showed a significant difference in CPM after one week of testing. One ad set had a CPM of $100, while the other had a CPM of $30. What could be the reason for this? Is it possible that the market for the product with a $100 CPM has strong competition from big brands? Or is it because the product, being a new type of toilet brush, is not favored by META for promotion to its users? 🙂

  10. Hi Ben, first I want to say thanks so much! I've watched most of your 2022 videos and all of your 2023 videos in an attempt to learn how to advertise on FB and IG the right way. I've learned a lot and I now feel confident in my skills.

    Now I have a question about your new technique for scaling. In a previous video you introduced automatic scaling by 3% daily. However, in your older scaling videos you warned against scaling by 20% as it would take too long and because this would lead to too much tinkering in one's ad account which would prevent stability in the account. So if scaling daily would cause this, then why do you recommend this new daily scaling technique?

  11. Can someone explain how to increase budget for a campaign without being put on review for hours? And recommended by FB is to raise 20% gradually every 3-4 days.. however after we raise, the campaigns goes to worse

  12. Hey Ben, how are you?
    Is it possible to advertise weight loss and health product on Facebook and Instagram?
    It's not some shady brand, I am doing it as an affiliate for a huge company.
    Appreciate your answer in advance!

  13. Hi Ben – thanks for the great content. I have a question regarding ad sets & audience overlap.

    If we are selling homeware (glasses, storage & blankets), could I create one conversion campaign with 3 ad sets, with each ad set containing a different product category mentioned above? The audience for all 3 of these would be extremely similar. Would this have a negative effect on performance?

  14. @BenHeath Is there only 1 case where a client got an increased cost per conversion? Of course, the other placements also help to get the conversion on the higher quality placements (brand recognition). I think if there is only a small enough % budget spent on the lower quality placements like adience netwok it will be fine. But if its a higher % budget, with bad results then one should test removing those placements, right? Curious about your opinion on this matter.

  15. Ben, these are inordinately helpful videos, I've recently started my own lead gen business for property professionals here in the UK (got my first client!) and coming from a dropshipping/e-com background, I've run countless ads but learning the nuances are what I'm lacking so these are superb. I remember lots of what to do, what not to do with FB ads but as it's always changing, it's good to stay on top of them!

  16. Should I do this for my roofing client for lead generation? Because we have been using manuel placement as you had told us to do so in your previous videos.
    What should I do?

  17. Let me see If I understand:

    You're bassically saying that by toggling this option on, we're helping Meta cover their needs and in exchange we're gonna mainly display our ads in the same place we would like to display them (facebook feed), at a lower cost because of letting Meta this "freedom"?

    Hope I clarified myself

  18. BEN! Your channel has been a huge help to us as we launch a new biz! Thank you.
    I have two questions if anyone can help:
    1. We have a pixel. It's active and working with the events manager.
    BUT, in the Biz Settings>Data Sources… it asks us to create a pixel.
    2. Events Manager Overview>Connect Data Sources>WEB> It wants us to create a pixel.

    It doesn't seem that any of these (or other) non existing pixel sections are affecting our events manager from tracking our existing pixel. Am I missing something?

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