REVEALED: How Bezos, Amazon TOOK OVER The US

Krystal and Saagar are joined by Dana Mattioli to discuss her new book on Amazons monopoly.

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REVEALED: How Bezos, Amazon TOOK OVER The US
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  1. Amazon rose to power because they provided a better service than the competition. Does anyone remember that Ebay used to be bigger than Amazon, but people stop shopping at Ebay due to bad service and scams. Not everything is "corporations are evil."

  2. in the background of the women with red dress top of her shoulder there is a guy throwing something in a loop in the strairs it's anoying. Just saying mabe you could chage your background

  3. Maybe we need a couple of these ridiculously rich men in every age so that we have someone who can rival government power and wealth. Elon Musk for example has done a lot of good for free speech.
    Remember when government sues these individuals it's because they hate competition. They enjoy being the most powerful.

  4. why is blackrock,vangaurd etc allowed to control 36% of the worlds money. and wage war and rebuild it all after wards. this is how corrupt the gov / fed is. they sold us all to china and let blackrock buy everything and control the price we pay for everything. i think everyone should know that the demo in democrat means to destroy. bllackrock is a huge monopoly that the gov exploits as well as the military complex. if you wanna get rich invest in what the gov is spending all our tax money on. while the rest of us die

  5. To Krystal's point about small independent sellers being able to access a worlwide market: Yes, but at what cost, Amazon is not only a monopoly, it is also a form of MONOPSONY, where all the sellers have to go through a single buyer, and in that case the "buyer" is middleman Amazon. Their monopoly status is so pregnant that if you want your products to reach customers, you HAVE to be on AMazon, and that will be on Amazon's terms: Amazon decides your margin, Amazon decides how your products rank, Amazon decides to manage your stock, Amazon decides when you are being paid, Amazon decides what the return policies are, etc. STOP using Amazon, you can wait one extra day, and most of us can move our butts and get out of the house!

  6. On-line shopping is way more convenient than in person, wider selection and usually lower prices. In store is ultimately less efficient way to shop. Retail stores were great before internet era but everything has its time

  7. Oh no. Walmart put all the small businesses out of business and Amazon came along and gave small businesses a platform that took away sales from Walmart. What a horrible thing….. NOT!

  8. Meh, I don't think her response to "what about all the small independent businesses that now have massive reach?" Being "well some people I spoke to say amazon is bad now" and "retail jobs have been cut" is in any way a valid rebuttal.

    Aren't these big box retailers the same ones we called evil for putting the small local businesses under?

    Now small businesses are thriving again on Amazon but that's bad because the giant retailers are losing?

  9. I hardly ever order from Amazon anymore. Maybe one off items twice or three times a year, if I can't find it anywhere else. Most of their crap has fake reviews all over at this point, I don't trust most things on there.

  10. Imagine you rely only on ONE person in this world. Just one. You get sick and that person is no longer available. What happens? Its inevitable now whats to come and people have NO clue what it will bring and HOW it will impact their lives. There is unbelievable dark times ahead and people arent ready. Most people cant even grow their own food or survive on their own in the wild. Not good.

  11. Y'all're so cute when you discover how much more money a company can make when they could operate in their customer's home with no employees. Honestly, let Bezos keep the company as long as they're a positive for humanity.

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