Russia's Use of Chemical Weapons in Ukraine

1360 Russian Casualties, 27 of 35 Shahed drones shot down, Moscow Refinery halted Hal of its operations, Moscow refinery …

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Russia's Use of Chemical Weapons in Ukraine

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  1. The saddest thing is they still have words and not enough action – so I am sure the Ukrainians are thinking – what can we build that we can easily use in the future if we have to defend ourselves again ……..

  2. The saddest thing is they still have words and not enough action – so I am sure the Ukrainians are thinking – what can we build that we can easily use in the future if we have to defend ourselves again ……..

  3. Professor, I hope you will recall that Sec. Jake Sullivan warns Russia about the Consequences if it uses Chemical Weapons. NOW WHAT? It seems the Biden Administration's RED LINE is also a BLUFF.

  4. Since Ukraine refused to end oil/gas strikes and invaded Kursk without US OpSec access, US is vindictive. No heavy arms, only 'short-range' arms. Force allies to end Ukraine arms use on Russia. Biden wants Ukraine out of Kursk, back to attritional war on Ukraine soil. Victim of US fear, Russian genocide, Ukraine takes greater risks.

  5. Biden and Blinken need to just stop talking. This is an embarrassment that will haunt the West for the next 50 years. The Russians are right to think we are pathetic, cowardly, easily intimidated and full of sh** as far as our values are concerned. This is not the great generation who took decisive action and went all out to defend their freedom and the free world. Your subscribers want to yell at the TV and computer when these empty suits get on and pretend to be leaders. What's equally as bad, most of the populace in these electorates are equally sleepy and don't want to confront what is going on. Now we see how tyranny enslaves a population. Neglect and stupid self interest. We must be a more noisy minority and shout this message to the ignorant masses. Wake up stupid!

  6. How is providing an education to your children be tragic? What’s tragic is the world’s response to ruzzian petrograb of Ukrainian natural resources. Don’t forget to put mongolia on your $hit list as well. The majority of the world is a flaming dumpsterfire, usually in close proximity to natural resources. The real irony is look at the composition of ruzzian casualties, no one from moscow is on those lists, they were all from the federation states. When they are done subjecting Ukraine and start on Europe’s who do you think will be staffing those meat waves? European will provide plenty of bodies to fill the fields. The ruzzians are using the same motivational process they used in WWI, charge or die here. Maybe the human race isn’t destined to live on this planet in numbers greater than 3 or 4 thousand years ago. Interesting biological experiment, too bad it failed.
    See John Calhoun “Behavioral sink”. draw your own conclusions…

  7. Observations and lessons learned from the war in Ukraine: a) the US is not a dependable partner b) UN, UNSC, ICC are defunct institutions, c) build up a nuclear arsenal and never give it up for worthless security guaranties d) don't leave the fight on your territory but attack the aggressor on its own land and e) from the point of view of the aggressor country, human rights protection of your people or accountability for their actions don't exist, so why worry about the human rights of the citizens on the aggressor territory?

  8. Question: Vladimir Putler got an arrest warrant of the Hague because of war crimes due to Russian invasion of Ukraine. Could not also be issued an arrest warrant for Grandpa Joe Biden and Kremlin-Kid Jake Sullivan because of their crime to shield the Russian army from retaliation of Ukraine?

  9. Find a good email address or something we can write to or on that we can send a demand to let Ukraine use US weapons. Maybe if the hear from enough US Citizens in an election year they will think about it before the election. It seems as if both candidates are sidestepping the issue of Ukraine when polls say 70% of Americans support them

  10. 7:28 Professor?
    I seem to recall commenting months ago (if not more than a year) that this result would come. It may be that all the apparent "slacking off" of the west has been a facade behind which the capabilities of UKRAINE ITSELF are being bolstered in a lasting way… If this is true – I'd like to be the first to say: "GOD SPEED! And SLAVA UKRAINA!!!!"
    PS: General Ben Hodges is as accurate with his comments as he is with a rifle

  11. The problem is the US has become so nationalistic that their politicians are just goldfish, they move around all day but get nothing accomplished and they're afraid of their own reflections in their fishbowl. The difference is they make their citizens and "allies" float around in their shit.

  12. Theres an actual Genocide going on in Ukraine but no protests in the streets , yet a certain middle east conflict everyone goes out and protests in the street in support of the terrorist that did october 7th attack 🤷 wtf ??? you cant make this insane shhhhh up

  13. It’s a DISGRACE what Biden and NATO are “doing” to Ukraine. No action over chemical weapon use and the ban on weapon use on Russian territory. THERE ARE NO RED LINES. Pukin put that thought in your heads. YOUR BEING MANIPULATED.

  14. History will judge the west over the war in Ukraine and it won't be very flattering:
    "They just stood there watching how Ukraine was slowly erased from the map while denying them to use the weapons the way they were intended, to fight Russia. This fear of escalation in the end caused a wider conflict in Europe as the west failed to stop Russia in its hunger for more territory."

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