The Bible Course – Session 1 – Introducing the Bible

👉 Find out more about The Bible Course and get sessions 2-8:

An eight-session course helping you explore the world’s bestseller.

The Bible is a big and complicated book to read, and for many, it can be difficult to know where to start. Maybe you’ve been part of a Bible study group and want to build your confidence so you can study the Bible on your own, or maybe you need help connecting together the bits you’ve been reading. The Bible Course is a great resource, whether you are familiar with the Bible or just starting out.

✅ The Bible Course helps you see how the books of the Bible are part of one big story.
✅ Using a unique storyline, The Bible Course will show you how key events, books and characters fit together.
✅ The video teaching, course guide and daily readings will help you grow in confidence as you read the Bible for yourself.
✅ Acts as a great follow-on resource for those who have done introductory courses like Alpha and Christianity Explored.

👉 Find out more about The Bible Course and get sessions 2-8:

**Explorando o Universo da Bíblia Online: Uma Viagem Pelas Suas Versões e Recursos**

A Bíblia Sagrada é mais do que um livro; é uma fonte de sabedoria espiritual e orientação para milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Com o avanço da tecnologia, a Bíblia online tornou-se uma ferramenta valiosa para aqueles que desejam estudar, meditar e aplicar os ensinamentos contidos nela em suas vidas diárias.


**A Diversidade das Versões:**

Uma das características mais notáveis da Bíblia online é a variedade de versões disponíveis para os leitores. Desde a tradicional Bíblia Sagrada até versões mais contemporâneas, como a King James e a NVI, cada uma oferece uma perspectiva única dos ensinamentos bíblicos. A Bíblia online NVI, por exemplo, é conhecida por sua linguagem acessível e clara, tornando-a uma escolha popular para estudos individuais e em grupos.

**Recursos para o Estudo Profundo:**

Para aqueles que desejam aprofundar seu entendimento da Bíblia, as Bíblias de estudo são uma ferramenta indispensável. Equipadas com notas explicativas, mapas, cronogramas e referências cruzadas, essas versões facilitam a compreensão dos contextos históricos, culturais e teológicos dos versículos. A Bíblia de Estudo Thomas Nelson, por exemplo, é amplamente reconhecida por sua abordagem abrangente e informativa.


**Atendendo a Diferentes Públicos:**

A diversidade não se limita apenas às versões da Bíblia, mas também aos públicos que elas atendem. A Bíblia Infantil, com suas ilustrações coloridas e linguagem simples, cativa os corações das crianças desde tenra idade, introduzindo-as aos ensinamentos sagrados de uma maneira acessível e envolvente. Enquanto isso, a Bíblia Feminina oferece reflexões e estudos voltados especificamente para as necessidades espirituais das mulheres, abordando temas relevantes para suas vidas.

**Explorando a Bíblia Online:**

A busca por conhecimento na biblioteca sagrada online é uma jornada enriquecedora e edificante. Através de simples buscas por palavras-chave como “Bíblia online” ou “Bíblia de estudo”, os estudiosos podem acessar uma vasta gama de recursos, incluindo versículos específicos, comentários, e até mesmo versões em áudio para aqueles que preferem ouvir a palavra de Deus.


**Além das Fronteiras Religiosas:**

Embora a Bíblia seja frequentemente associada ao Cristianismo, suas mensagens transcendem fronteiras religiosas e culturais. A Bíblia Hebraica, por exemplo, é reverenciada pelos judeus como a palavra de Deus, enquanto a Bíblia Sagrada Católica inclui livros adicionais que não estão presentes em outras versões. Essa diversidade reflete a riqueza e a profundidade dos ensinamentos contidos na Bíblia, que continuam a inspirar e transformar vidas em todo o mundo.



Em suma, a Bíblia online é muito mais do que uma simples ferramenta de leitura; é um tesouro de sabedoria espiritual que está ao alcance de todos. Com suas diversas versões e recursos de estudo, ela oferece uma jornada de descoberta e crescimento para aqueles que buscam uma conexão mais profunda com a palavra de Deus.

The Bible Course – Session 1 – Introducing the Bible
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  1. I have a question. Why would Jesus read and memorize the bible? Didn't He already know what the bible says? And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

  2. The Bible book is 'a book' hahah!…!

    and that is the total extent of your evidence to prove your god?

    The Bible is Fiction..!

    a Historical novel – ie a Fictional story using Historical events and peoples:

    This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods…!

    It is a 'historical Novel', It is not proof for any god(s)

    Historical novel: The fables are intertwined within historical places and people….


    Egypt and the Pharaohs existed,


    Moses did NOT exist,

    and the Exodus did not happen… !

    A 'global' flood never occurred on Earth!

    An 'Adam and Eve' is a nonsense fable from the Stone Ages!!

    That David/Solomon are 'tribal' fables…!

  3. As a Bible believer, I have to approve of the removal of the Ten Commandments and the “Lord’s Prayer,” from the public school system! Both were part of God’s failed relationship with his chosen nation of Israel. God gave Israel the commandments they demanded from him so he kept piling them on in order to drive them to the end of their own self-righteousness and cry out to him to do everything for them, which was God’s original desire. It’s why God gave himself the name, “Jehovah-Jireh,” which literally means, “he that sees a need will see to it”! When Jesus came in human flesh to interact with Israel personally in a bid for them to accept him as their Messiah so he could give them the kingdom God promised them in the Old Testament scriptures of their prophets, he used the same tactic as his Father had by making the laws they already had even more difficult to keep! Like saying that to even look at a woman with lust was equal to committing adultery; and that if they did not forgive men their trespasses, their Father in heaven would not forgive them! (We understand today that when we have trusted in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, forgiveness of all sin is part of the free gift of Ephesians 2:8&9 — Ephesians 1:7.). Jesus was using those threats of them possibly failing to fully walk in the laws they loved and were so proud of keeping to the letter to hopefully drive the Jews to their knees crying out for a Saviour! Some of course did, but the vast majority refused, which is why Israel did not receive their kingdom in the first century (and I believe they never will). So, for schools and churches to teach their students to recite the Lord’s Prayer, which plainly asks God to “forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us” (which actually means “in the same manner as”) and Jesus explains that in the verses that follow when he says that if they did not forgive men their trespasses, their “Father in heaven” would NOT FORGIVE them! So this is why no Christian today should recite this “prayer” because when we do, we are asking God to put US under the law that Christ’s sacrifice took out of the way and no one is under that law today, even those legalistic enough to think they are! It’s an insult to the Lord that bought us and gave us the “righteousness of God in him”! When I’m at a funeral or other “Christian” gathering and they begin to recite the “Our Father,” I zip my lips!

  4. HANDS DOWN one of the best Bible Courses I have found online explaining the TIME LINE of the Bible. I am captivated by it and every day cannot wait to sit down and watch and learn more. Absolutely love it. The way everything is explained is so simple to understand. I think this is a must course for any New Believer, but for me who has been a Christian for years it just made a few things clearer. Well done Bible Society. Such a great job putting this together.(5 STAR RATING)

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