Ukrainian forces down SU 25 jet using MANPADS

1220 Russian casualties, Ukraine downs 7 of 8 Drones, Jake Sullivan’s Background, Ukraine in talks with Moldova to return …

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Ukrainian forces down SU 25 jet using MANPADS

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  1. Ukraine's lack of ammo is largely because the US first starved Ukraine of weapons for 6 month (courtesy of the Republicans) followed by Trump saying he'll stop support if he's elected, so Ukraine has to save what they get in case fresh supplies ends in January – out treatment of a country fighting for its survival is simply embarrassing.

    In regard for the nuclear deal with Iran: There isn't one, Trump tore up the one which was there and had stopped Iran's weapons development – so we can all thank Trump for Iran being within weeks of having the bomb and for Iran being outside diplomatic reach.

  2. Hang on Professor; you're blaming Jack Sullivan's role in the 2015 negotiations with Iran for them being currently "only weeks away from nuclear weapons"?
    Like this has nothing to do with Trump tearing up that treaty?
    Seriously, if this is the best someone that qualifies as a professor can come up with, no wonder the USA is in such an appalling state!

  3. One of the messages from this war is that the US procurement lost its way. Weapons are too expensive, production is too slow, there is no urgency but there is a lot of profit. A strong focus on buying new toys. Not a strong focus on getting cheap and chearful bangs.

  4. Jake Sullivan is highly educated with many degrees etc. but education on its own is not an indicator of intelligence. Degrees and paper certificates only show that the person has spent a lot of their time and energy doing reports, thesis, etc. I have met many really stupid people who hold degrees….

  5. We all know that Ukraine would run out of artillery ammunition over two years ago and no one increased ammunition production by even a fraction of what was needed. That isn't an accident. That is intentional.
    Why is no one talking about that ? It's not Trump that refused to increase ammunition production. It was the White House.

  6. Trump ended the Iran nuclear deal because he's 'the deal maker'. That deal wasn't perfect, but it did give the IAEA access to Iranian nuclear facilities for constant inspection and monitoring. And now, without that deal, Iran supposedly is on the verge of making bombs. It's very disingenuous to imply that Sullivan somehow had a part in creating the mess we're in now. That's twice now you've implied that this is somehow the current administrations mess and it calls your credibility into question when you do it. You should stop.

  7. On face value: tanks, acv, artillery, MLRS, ADS, vehicles/fuel trucks, SME = 65,850 high value assets kaput. Assume 3 crew + 6 extra per asset. Assume 2 KIA = 130+K. Assume KIA:WIA is 1:2 = 4 WIA [wounded] = 260+K = total 390+K. Not including golf cart, motorbike, trench losses. Unsustainable for any nation, even Russia.

  8. Just because someone is smart enough to go to college and get upper level education does not mean they have common sense. Some of the most useless people i worked with at a fortune 100 company had masters degrees.

  9. It seems to me that the desired nuclear agreement with Iran was negotiated by Obama but canceled by Trump, so if you want to blame anyone for failure, I suggest that the Republicans and Trump are responsible for the failure…

  10. Professor I always like the relevant comments by other commentators on your channel but sometimes I don’t comment as people are always saying you’re doing a great job. However today is one of those days where I say, well done professor, you’re sensible and common sense approach is aligned with my views and I thank you for your honesty and commitment to the Ukraine cause and fingers crossed let’s hope they prevail.

  11. To be fair (as the article pointed out) Europe has reduced it's gas purchases from Russia with 89 till 92 % with respect to the pre invasion period of 2022! You try to replace 90% of your necessary energy need, within two and half years, with different suppliers while this was delivered by pipeline (most efficient and cheap way)! I think that is a big achievement!

  12. I could be completely wrong here but I have a feeling that since February 2022 somewhere in the back of his mind Jake Sullivan has had the "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixing-To-Die Rag" by Country Joe & The Fish playing on a continuous loop.

  13. Brit here: criticising Sullivan and the negotiations with Iran is a little unfair. The negotiations were successful, we had a deal in place. Trump cancelled the deal, remember? And kinda drove Iran down a more adversarial path.

    As for european gas imports, give it time. Infrastructure needs to catch up in places. Already down to little more than 10% of pre-war trade.

  14. Did the USSR not lose 650+ armoured vehicles in the Afghanistan conflict. Let's say the 24,288 is too high even if it is only half that it is 20x those loses. Top end troop loses in that war is 26,000 again even halfing those loses in Ukraine is 10x that. These are low end losses for Ukraine. It is an incredible figure. How on earth did the genius Putin sell this to his ministers? If you stand back a bit further and take a look it almost seems like he planned for a quick win. I know that is a radical idea but if I was him I would have told them Kiev would fall in 3 days so take your parade uniforms and the rest of Ukraine soon after. But it is not possible he plays 3D chess I am told.

  15. Orban and Fico are wannabe dictators, traitors of democracy, EU and NATO. It is about time to stop their dirty gambling. If they want to endorse Russia and China, they can leave EU and NATO. But both won´t do so, because without EU´s funds they are nothing and of no value, if they don´t play the Trojan horse for Russia and China in EU and NATO. But the EU can sanction them, stop funds and NATO can stop sharing informations with them.
    Ukraine is doing the abslutely right thing stopping transfer of oil and gas through their territory to these disgraceful traitors!

  16. Frofessor, a couples of questions from Belgium. Consulted dr Google on Kamilla Harris bud did nor realy find what i was looking for. How would you judge her as a person? What is her field of expertise when it comes to politics? What is her expiriance in global politics. What is her position towards ukrain, russia and China? And something completely different: in the us you have to register to vote. You register as replublican or democrat ? If so could a democratie vote for a republican candidate or visa versa ?

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